Chapter Three

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It's been 4 days since they shocked you. You were surprised they haven't done anything since. As if on cue, two men come into your cell and drag you to the room again.

You were strapped down once again. You don't know how much time you have, so you don't hesitate to ask "What is that you're injecting into me? And why did you electrocute me?" The scientist then looks at you, contemplating whether to tell you or not. "The serum we are injecting into your arm will give you enhanced capabilities, and the electrocution is to get the serum to flow throughout your entire bloodstream." He says rather quickly. Right before he sticks the needle into my arm you speak up again, "What do you mean by enhanced capabilities?" With missing a beat he smirks "You'll see soon." and injects the needle into your arm.

After the entire thing was done again, you were dragged back to your room. This time they managed to turn the electrifying power to 85%. It felt like your skin was on fire and it left you with an aching pain throughout your body when you moved too much. So you just laid down on your bed and stayed there the rest of the day.

After 4 days they came back to get you and once again dragged you to the room and completed the procedure again. Every 4 days they repeated the process, each time they increased the power, which caused you to be in pain long after. They dragged you to that room a total of 7 times. So it's been a little over a month now and you're currently sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall, waiting. You're due for another procedure, and on cue two men come in and grab you.

As your being dragged down the hallway, they walk straight past the room you usually go to. You pass 3 doors before the men push you into a bigger room, with all flat, white walls. The squared-shaped room is maybe 100 feet from wall to wall.

You stand still in front of the door, just staring at the wall in front of you when you notice something moving across the room. The men then step into the room after you but they now are both holding a tall shield that covers their entire bodies. They start walking toward you, forcing you further into the room. When you get closer to the figure across the room you notice it's a wolf and calm down a little.

The wolf just stares at you, with a look as if it's waiting for something. Coleman then walks into the room, heading straight towards the wolf, and situates himself right beside it.

You stare at the dog, now a little worried, as Coleman looks at you. He can see the fear in your eyes and that's exactly what he needs you to feel, fear.

He then gives a command напугать (scare). You don't speak Russian so you don't know what he said, but you have a feeling it's bad as you watch the wolf start to creep towards you. Once the wolf gets about 20 feet away, it jumps forward. You yelp as you try to run towards the door, only to see the two guards, blocking it. 'Oh, you're stuck in here and are about to be killed by a dog' You think to yourself as you stare at the dog and slowly back yourself into the corner of the room.

The dog continues to inch toward you, now that you have trapped yourself in the corner, there's nothing to stop the wolf from attacking you. When the wolf is only 10 feet away it jumps, you shut your eyes in fear.After 10 seconds of you just standing there with your eyes shut, you realize you were still alive so you slowly reopened your eyes to find the wolf sitting 5 feet away, staring directly at you with its head tilted slightly to the side in confusion. 

Coleman breaks the silence with a "HAH" in accomplishment. You're confused at what's going on until one of the guards speaks up "What happened? Where'd she go?" He just stared in my direction "She's made herself invisible" your thoughts started racing 'Was I really invisible, this would be my chance to try and escape then.' You then carefully slipped past the dog, out of the corner and quietly tiptoed toward the door which was still blocked by the two guards. you decided to stand off to the opposite side of the room and waited.

Coleman then walked towards the corner "Show yourself Subject 51" He was answered with silence, and a look of panic flashed over his face before being covered with an angry expression. He turned to the wolf "Найди ее" (find her). As the dog started sniffing around the room, the guard closest to you conveniently stepped toward as he watched the dog, giving you enough space to squeeze through to the door. You quickly open the door and all three of the men and the wolf turn and run towards you. You bolt down the hallway looking for an exit. You take a left at the end of the hallway, and as you do you feel a chill run through your body. You stop in your tracks when you see everyone staring at you. 'No longer invisible, noted'

You take a few steps forward to be met by 3 guards. You turn around and are met with the two guards from earlier and Coleman. 'I'm in deep shit now'

He walked toward you with anger radiating off of him and he slaps you hard across the face, with enough force that you fall to the ground. The guards then pick you up and drag you back to your room. Before they leave another man comes in and locks an ankle monitor around your leg and leaves.

The second they're gone you attempt at taking it off, but when you tried pulling it off, you were shocked so you didn't try again. 

The next morning you are dragged into a new room, a training center. In the room is Coleman talking to a man and a woman. They walk toward you, "You will begin your daily training today" Coleman said before he walked out of the room, leaving you with the trainers.

*time skip* 2 weeks later

In the past 2 weeks, you spend what seems like endless hours in the training room, alternating between different skill sets. But each day was the same. Both hand to hand and weapons training, and conditioning. They taught you how to use a number of different firearms but you found that you preferred the throwing knives. Aside from that you also trained in controlling your new power. 

Although you were constantly busy with training, you still had time to think about Peter and how much you miss him and the city. 'I hope you find me Peter' You think before you drift off to sleep.

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