Chapter Forty Six

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A week passes and Natasha has stuck to what she had said to Wanda. You and Nat have hung out a lot, mainly watching movies, playing cards, or going to the store. And right now the two of you had just come back from the drug store as it was Wanda's time of the month and she need to restock on feminine products.

Over the week, you haven't gotten any of your memories back and honestly it was very frustrating. You assumed after destroying the hydra tech, that your memories would just start flooding back but so far nothing. And the team didn't want to seem impatient so they stopped asking about it.

You had also talked to the team a lot and have gotten to know most of them better. Clint even stopped by to see the team, he was getting a little bored of retirement so it was a nice break. He only visited for two days but it was still long enough for you two to bond.

Now most of your time you spend with Peter, Wanda, Nat, and surprisingly Bucky. He was really nice and you both had an unspoken connection because of the hydra memory wipe-brainwashing ordeal. You didn't really talk about it but it was oddly comforting to be around someone who somewhat understood what you are going through.

As you and Natasha walked out of the elevator she walked over to the couches where some of the team was and you went to Wanda's room to give her a box of tampons before walking to your room and restocking your supply for when your cycle comes around.

As you finished up J.A.R.V.I.S. made an announcement, "Miss Y/l/n, Mr. Stark would like to inform you that he is hosting a party tomorrow night" you stared blankly at the ceiling as you listened to him. "Thanks J.A.R.V.I.S." you said as you walked toward your bed.

"Your welcome Miss" he responded. Just as you laid down there was a knock at your door. "It's open, come on in" you raised your voice so the person could hear you. You sat up as you watched the door open.

The door opened fully to reveal a smiling Wanda who immediately joined you on the bed. "So party. Do you want to go shopping?"

"Of course, sounds fun. Now?" you asked. "In a bit, I just want to relax right now" she said before laying down and you joining her.

She turns her head to face you and you do the same. The two of you just stare at each other in silence before you burst out laughing for no particular reason. Your hair gets in your face so she quickly lifts her hand and tucks the strand of hair behind your ear. She grins as she caught you watching her hand before locking eyes with her again.

"So are we just going to lie here?" you ask not really caring if the answer was yes or no. "Well the point was to relax, hence the not doing anything" she explained and you nodded and closed your eyes.

"Are you falling asleep on me?" she lightly shoved your shoulder. "Well we aren't doing anything, hence the closing of eyes and falling asleep" you tease and she sits up but you stay still. "Fine you want to do something, let's do something" she said before she began to tickle you and your eyes shot wide open.

"AHHH!" you shriek before you begin laughing until your abs begin to hurt. Eventually you managed to escape her grasp and ran to the middle of the room but she just tackled you to the floor and began tickling you again.

"Okay! I think I'll opt for the 'relaxing'" you manage to get out and she grins as she notices that she is straddling you and you smile in return.

She slowly gets off of you and offers her hand. "Okay funs over. I'll get Natasha and then we can go" she leaves and you stay on the floor, shocked at this new information. You didn't she asked Nat to come. You were excited because you love hanging around Natasha.

A few minutes later there's a knock at your door. "Coming!" you shout as you grab your purse and make your way to the door. When it opened you expected to see Wanda but you weren't disappointed when you saw Natasha standing there.

"Hey" she said as she stepped out of your way. "Hey, where's Wanda?" you asked as the two of you began walking to the elevator. "She went to get the car and asked me to get you" the doors opened and the two of you stepped inside.

You stared blankly at the shiny doors and the two of you stood in awkward silence as you watched the numbers countdown.

"So, are you seeing anyone?" you asked bluntly. This probably wasn't the best way to break the silence but it's too late to take it back.

"No!" she quickly blurted out before she recomposed herself. "Why do you ask?" she was now facing you with one eyebrow raised but you still faced the closed doors.

"Just wondering, but you and Bruce seem pretty close. Have you two ever been together?" she shook her head. "Would you?" you turned so you were now both facing each other.

"No, I only have eyes for one person" she smiled and you returned it. Natasha opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the elevator ding and the doors soon slid open.

You stayed in place and waited, in case she had something to say. "Come on, Wanda's probably waiting for us" she ushered for you to walk out and she walked right behind you.

The two of you exited the tower to see Wanda, who was in fact waiting in the car. The two of you walked to the right side of the car, "You can sit in the front, I'll sit in the backseat" Natasha told you as she opened the passenger door and you thanked her before sliding in. She quickly got into the back seat and Wanda drove off to the mall.

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