Chapter Twenty One

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It's 5am. Peter, Wanda and you are all in your bed sleeping peacefully when one of your phones start to go off. "Ahh, who's is that?" Wanda groans out while pulling the blanket over her face. "Peter?" You whisper but he doesn't respond so you sit up to see he is still fast asleep. "I think Peter's dead" you joke and Wanda exhales a laugh from under the covers. "I'll get it then." You say as you quickly get out of bed and over to your desk, to see your phone ringing. You read the caller, Nick Fury, so you step outside the room to answer the call. "Hello?" You ask after answering the call. "Finally. What, were you sleeping?" Fury says sarcastically and you roll your eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me" he says and you look around the hallway to see if he's watching you through a camera. "Stop looking around" He starts and you wait for him to explain why he's calling you. "How would you feel about going on a mission?" He asks, "Really? That would be amazing. When?" You ask excitedly. "Now, I've already contacted Barnes who will be your mission partner, I'll brief you on the way there." He says, "Thank you sir." You say before he hangs up and you go back to your room to change. Tony had made you a mission suit so you would have one when the time came. Its a lot like Natasha's, but a dark shade of blue with black stripes going down the sides.

You arm yourself with two pistols in your leg holsters and two knives that Tony made special for you. It has the same technology as Cap's shield, so you can call them back by the handle. Bucky's already on the ship talking to the pilot. "So I'll land away from the base and wait for you guys to come back and then I'll take you home." You and Bucky nod before moving to sit down. Your phone begins to ring, it's Fury. "Barnes, y/n/n. Hydra has gotten their hands on a dangerous weapon and I need you two to get it and bring it back to SHIELD hq." Fury explains. "Yes sir, but why did you pick only the two of us." You ask. "Because I need to keep this mission on the down low. Which also means you can't tell the team what happens on this mission." You nod, "With all do respect sir, why?" You ask carefully. "Don't question me, now do your job, I'll see you two later."

The pilot landed and you are now walking to the base. "Here's the plan, I'll sneak into the base and scope it out and you can stand guard outside while I get the weapon" you say. "Or you sneak in and I go with you to cover you." You both decide to go with his plan just in case. When you get close you turn invisible to scope out the area before letting Bucky know over comms that it's clear for him to come. The two of you make it down numerous hallways, searching every room. You ran into a couple of guards, but you threw your knives at them before they could alert any others. "Hey what are the odds that Fury would send two ex-hydra experiments to go into hydra alone on a top secret mission?" You whisper to try and lighten the mood. "Hmm maybe like a 3% chance." You giggle at his sarcasm but stop when you hear guards running in your direction. Bucky quickly runs to the nearest door and you both run inside. "Do you think their g-" you cut Bucky off by covering his mouth with your hand, you then hear the guards footsteps run past the door, it sounded like there were about 10 of them. You both stare into each other's eyes before you abruptly take your hand off his mouth, "sorry" you whisper and he lets you know that it's okay.

When you take a step away from Bucky you see something glowing in the corner of your eye. "Buck I think that's it" you motion to the staff that has a blue glowing gem on it. "How can you be sure?" He asks as he studies the staff. "We can't but it looks like it could do some damage to something so let's grab it and go." You say as you reach to grab it. Theres a faint energy that is holding you back but you push through and grab the scepter. "Alright, let's go"

As your making your way out of the base, an alarm goes off and the two of you look at each other before you start to run to the exit. You can see the exit at the end of the hallway, when you hear gun shots. Bucky jumps in front of you and blocks as man bullets as he can with his metal arm as you both round the corner for cover. You check in case you got shot before looking at Bucky. "Oh my gosh Bucky your leg!" you yell in panic. "I'm fine, we need to get out of here" he says and you wrap his arm over your shoulders to help him walk. He's really heavy but it's helping him walk faster. "Their getting closer. Y/n, you need to take the weapon and go." you shake your head, "Not without you" he stops stops walking and you sigh in frustration. "Fine" you get out from his arm and run stop at the end of the wall. You take out your two pistols and peak your head around the corner. One of your arms comes out from behind the wall to shoot and the hydra agents start shooting again. You manage to kill 4 men before you feel a bullet graze the side of your rib making you pull back and clutch the wound. You apply pressure to the area while signaling for Bucky to take cover because the hydra men are going to round the corner any second. You turn invisible and stick you leg out causing 2 of the men to trip and you quickly grab your knife and stab those two in the head. There's 4 left and they all begin to panic and you stop applying pressure to your wound so that you can grab both your pistols. You can feel yourself growing weak, and you turn visible. One of the men notice and begin shooting at you again but you quickly put bullets into the rest of the men's heads. You let out a sigh of relief before leaning against the nearest wall and clutching your abdominal once again. You are losing quite a lot of blood, "Bucky, how's the leg?" you ask hoping that he'd be able to walk. "It's fine what about your side" you shrug, "just grazed me" you say as you begin to walk to Bucky. "Use the scepter as a walking stick for now" he nods and uses it to push himself up and starts walking.

Once you get to the quinjet you see that's the door is already open so you immediately go to find the first aid kit, "We need to go, now" you yell towards the pilot but get no response. You unzip the top half of your suit to get a better view of your cut. The entire bullet grazed you so the cut was bigger than you expected, but it wasn't as bad as Bucky's . You grab gauze from the aid kit and you apply it to the gash before taping it on. You zip your suit back up and make your way to Bucky, "Can you lift your leg for me?" He does so and you see that the bullet has went all the way through his leg. "Okay you just need stitches, I can do that" you grab the things you need from the kit and you stitch him up. "Why are we still here?" you ask and begin walking toward the pilot seat to find that the pilot with a bullet in his head. "Shit" you say before getting communications with Fury. "Y/l/n. What's going on?" Fury asks, "Pilots dead, we got no one to fly the ship home" you say. "Alright, I'll send someone immediately, they should be there first thing tomorrow" you wonder why it's going to take so long, so you check the clock on the jet and it's 6pm. "Thank you sir" you say before hanging up.

"Buck, we are going to be here a while" you sigh. "I'm surprised that they didn't just destroy the ship along with the pilot. Unless this is a..." he trails off once the realization hits him. "We need to go" he says abruptly and you shoot him a confused look. He begins walking out with the scepter and you take a few steps toward the door before you hear weird sound. You realize what it is and you begin to get off the ship and you are launched forward.

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