Chapter Sixteen

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"Uhm" Peter said breaking the silence, "I think we should call it a night." Wanda said and you nodded. She walked over to you and held out her hand which you grabbed before she pulled you off the couch and the two of you walked to your rooms. Before the two of you left the room, you looked back at the team one last time to see that they haven't moved, which you both laughed at before continuing to walk.

Wanda drops you off at your room before going to hers, and you immediately go to the bathroom to have a shower. After you finish rinsing off the soap, you stand under the shower for a couple minutes at the hopes that it would wash away all of your frustration, but it didn't work. You turn off the water and grab you towel to dry your body, then wrap it around your torso. Once you step out of the bathroom you hear a knock at your door which you go to open, forgetting that you are still in a towel.

You open the door to a wide eyed Natasha, "Sorry I can come back later". She said flustered at the sight of you in a towel. "Nonsense, do you want to come in?" You ask as you step aside in the doorway so she could enter. "Uhm, sure. Thanks" she says before stepping passed the threshold and proceeded to walk to the middle of your room. You close the door so she could be free to speak out without anyone overhearing. When you turned to face her you noticed that her eyes were wondering all over your body making you look down and remembering your still in a towel. "Oh sorry, just give me a minute." You say before quickly going over to your closet and grabbing underwear, tshirt, and sweats. Natasha's eyes stayed on you, she look as if she were in a trance which made you feel a bit uncomfortable. "Uhm Nat?" You ask and she breaks out of her hypnotic state and quickly turns around to give you privacy, "Sorry." She says flustered again.

When you finish putting on your clothes, you use the towel to dry your hair more before walking across the room, past Natasha, to put it back in the bathroom. "So did you want to talk about something?" You ask still in the bathroom. "Uhm yes actually," she started, "do you have any feelings for me?" She asks and you walk out of the bathroom. "Uhm, I think so. Why do you ask" you say. "Well I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out on a date? With me?" She said the last part like it wasn't obvious. "Yes I would." You said softly with a smile. "Okay great. Uhm I'll come by around 7?" She asked unsure if that was a good time. "Great, I'm looking forward to it." You reassured her and you visible saw her sigh in relief. "Okay I'll see you then. Well I'll also see you before then because we live together but I'll-" she started rambling so you cut her off, "Nat I'll see you tomorrow." You said softly to show her that you weren't annoyed. "See you tomorrow." She replied before leaving your room and closing the door behind her. You took a deep breath to process what just happened before walking over to your bed and slipping under the covers. You stared at the ceiling as you replayed the conversation in your head and a smile grew on your face, and you quickly drifted off to sleep.

You wake up to the sound of your door opening. You slowly open your eyes to adjust to the lighting in your room and see Wanda walking over to you. "Morning sleepyhead." Wanda said as she jumped onto the bed. "Why are you here so early?" You asked in your sleepy voice, "Can't I just wanted to be with my best friend first thing in the morning." She said as she slipped under the covers and her feet touched yours when she was fully under. "Oh my gosh Wands! You feet are so cold!" You whisper shouted, not wanting to wake up the rest of the team. "Why are you whispering?" she whispered back. "Are the rest of the team still asleep?" You asked still whispering, "no most of them are wake already, sleepyhead." she replied in a whisper again. "Oh okay, but what are you really doing here." You asked in a normal voice. "Because I love you and I want to be with you 24/7," she said sarcastically with a smile, but her smile fell when you gave her the 'that's bullsh*t' look. "Okay!" she said putting her hands up in fake defense, "I saw Natasha leave your room last night." She said and you waited for her to keep talking because you knew she had more to say. She searched your face for a moment before a smile grew on her face, reaching her eyes. "So when's the date?" She asked excitedly. "What, how did you?" You asked shocked that she figured it out so fast. "Well first I'm your best friend, second I saw her smiling which is new, and third I can read your mind dummy." She teased. "That's cheating, stay out of my head." You playfully hit her arm. "don't slap me," she fake a serious face but you could see the smile tugging at her lips. The two of you then burst out into laughter. "She's coming by at 7." You said and she smiled wider and hugged you tightly, "Okay I need to breathe," you say and she just hugs you tighter, "oh shut up, you love my hugs." She says and you just smile because it's true, you do. "Alright, let's go" she says while crawling out of bed and pulling you with her.

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