Chapter Fifty Four

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You sat up in your bed and glanced over at the clock which read 4am.

Insomnia was expected. You were a bit worried of what the test results would say. There's endless possibilities. You could be dying, it could be an increase in stress, side affects from the memory wiping, or you could be totally fine and just had a bad reaction to dinner. But the doctors seemed worried which ultimately made you worry.

The thing is, you couldn't show that you were scared or else you'd have three Avengers at your beck and call 24/7. They'd even be there when you didn't want them to be, so hiding your emotions seemed like the better option.

The nurse said they'd have the results in that day but I guess they wanted to run more tests because they extended it to 2-3 days.

You tossed and turned under the covers for what felt like hours but when you sat up and once again glanced at that clock you realized only half an hour had passed.

Ultimately giving up you harshly pushed the blankets off your body in frustration and tumbled out of bed. Almost losing your balance when you stood up straight but caught yourself just in time.

Through the darkness you found your way to the bathroom and flicked the switch which you immediately regretted when your head ached at the sudden increase in light.

You whined as you dragged your feet to the sink and washed your face. As soon as you caught a glimpse of your tired features you decided you'd stay in bed all day and binge something new on Netflix, hoping you'd just pass out during the third episode or put on a movie and fall asleep 15 minutes in.

And that's exactly what happened.

You don't even remember what happened. One second Damon's saying "Hello brother" and the next Vikki is a vampire and trying to suck the life out of Jeremy.

After a lot of contemplating, you chose to rewatch one of your favorite shows in case you fell asleep, you wouldn't want to miss parts of a new series.

When you realized how much time had passed you searched for the remote a good minute before finding it at the foot of the bed under one of the blankets and turning off the tv.

Not even bothering to change out of your pajama's you dragged your feet to the kitchen still feeling the weight of the fatigue dragging you down.

Just as you passed the threshold you instantly felt regret fill your body. The dreadful feeling of seeing someone and having to pretend you're fine made you want to run back to your room.

You were 2 seconds from turning around and bolting when Steve walked in. "Morning champ" he spoke casually. He probably doesn't know about what happened yesterday. That or he's trying to pretend it didn't happen. Either way you didn't care to ask.

"Good morning Captain" you plastered the best smile you could hoping he would just make his cup of coffee and leave.

"Romanoff told me about what happened yesterday. You alright?" You nodded a single time avoiding his gaze as you walked over to the fridge.

"If you need anything at all, don't be afraid to call me." You looked his way long enough to catch that All American boy smirk he shot your way.

"Thanks Steve... by any chance do you know who else Natasha told?"

He sipped his coffee and his eyebrows furrowed. "Just me I think" you nodded slowly as you opened the fridge.

"And Dr. Banner" Both Steve and you turned your head at the sound of Tony's voice as he waltzed into the room.

Your face contorted in confusion as you tried to remember who Dr. Banner was. You spun around to express your confusion. "Bruce" Steve added.

"How do you know?" Steve turned to Stark and you watched the interaction silently as if you weren't there.

"My tower. I know everything that goes on in here."


"Yes Captain. Everything." Tony winked at the man who seemed to now be blushing. You didn't want to poke your nose in places it didn't belong so you left it alone.

Your mouth made an 'o' shape. "Wait, why did she tell him?"

The two men turned back to you with confused looks before they remembered the conversation you were having.

"Probably just pillow talk." Tony shrugged as he began pouring himself some coffee. His movements were fluid and you could hardly move as you attempted to digest this new information.

"Tony" the blonde scolded. "What?" he turned halfway to meet Steve's gaze.

"She never told me that." You still stood frozen with the fridge door ajar, not even pretending to look through it anymore.

"Yeah. Not super subtle about it either, he's kinda loud." he chuckled at himself for the comment, acting as if he hadn't realized what he was saying. 

"Tony! That's enough." The billionaire just smirked before he rose the coffee mug to his mouth and took a sip.

"You're one to talk Rogers. Not like you're so innocent." the man winked at him again which caused Steve's blood to boil but he wasn't going to cause a scene so he swallowed down his rage.

"I'm just gonna go." you closed the fridge. Your eyes stayed on the floor as your mind raced with new thoughts.

"Forget what he said, okay?" Steve pleaded and you nodded once. You were definitely not going to forget. 

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