Chapter Seventeen

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You and Wanda enter the kitchen to see the whole team already there. You both go over to the counter to make your plates. "So how did you two love birds sleep?" Steve asked playfully. "Great! Although we didn't do much sleeping" Wanda jokes and you playfully hit her. "She's joking guys," you said and Wanda's jaw dropped. You turned and face her and you search her face for a second, "what did I just say about hitting me?" She says and her eyes narrowed a little and you knew what was coming next, "uh oh" you said before turning to run. The whole team watched the interaction and laughed at how scared you looked. Wanda chased you out of the kitchen and into the living room when you eventually tripped on your own foot. She took the opportunity to hover over you and tickle you until your face turned red. You laughed loudly and sometimes yelled out for someone to help you but the entire team just watch. When you thought you were about to pass out from all of the laughing, she got off of you and she turned and saw the whole team watching your interaction. She felt especially proud when she saw Natasha look a little jealous.

"So are you two dating or not? I'm so confused." Bucky said breaking the silence. You walked over to him, "not Buck. Don't worry she's joking." You said and you kissed him on the cheek before walking past him and the team. You cleared your throat and a grabby hand at Wanda while still facing away from everyone. She immediately ran over to you excitedly before she took your hand and interlocked your fingers. The two of you began to walk back to the kitchen and Wanda half turned back tot he group and she waved at them before turning back to you. The whole team just stood there, unsure of what to do or think, "anyone else still conflicted?" Tony asked. They all nodded there heads except for Peter, "no they're just playing with you" Peter said  before following you guys to the kitchen. Once he got to the door separating the rooms he turned back, "or are they?" he asked sarcastically and the rest of the team just stayed in place thinking about what they should believe. "I hate those three." Clint said before walking back to the kitchen with the team slowly following one by one.

The rest of the team re-enter the kitchen to see the three of you sat at the table, Peter is whispering while you and Wanda snickered at whatever he was saying. Wanda suddenly looked up and you all looked at each other before getting up from the table, "see you guys later." You spoke for the three of you. "Where are you guys going?" Steve asked and the three of you looked shared another look and laughed before you walked out, leaving their question unanswered. "Are they still drunk from last night?" Bucky asked. "No they're always like that." Natasha spoke for the first time today. She smiled at the truthful fact that you are always that playful but are serious when I you need to be. The rest of the team went back to eating and Natasha slipped out of the kitchen unnoticed to spy on you three because she wanted have a word with you.

She roamed the halls for about an hour searching for any signs of the three of you before giving up and going to her room. She's a little disappointed in herself that three loud, children like people could evade a former Russian spy like herself, but she had one more option. "Hey J.A.R.V.I.S, where's y/n?" she asked while looking at the ceiling. "She's with Peter and Wanda in the backyard Ms. Romanoff." The A.I. said and Natasha immediately began to walk while thinking about what she was going to say to you.

Natasha walks outside to find Peter and Wanda running around, using their powers to fight each other. Peter jumps over Wanda and landed 30 feet behind her, then shoots a web aiming at her back but it stops mid-air. Wanda turned around and he freezes, wondering what just happened, "uh oh" he said before he felt a pull at his arm and since he wasn't ready, he fell on his face. You then revealed yourself and Wanda laughed at Peter who was now lying face down on the grass. "Can you get this off?" You ask motioning to the web still stuck on it. Wanda grabs and rests your hand palm up on hers and her other hand hovers above it as red wisps come out of her fingers, pulling the web off. "Thanks" you say as soon as the web in completely off and you quickly turn invisible again. Wanda immediately goes into a ready stance and her eyes turn read as she tries to find you. Suddenly the is swept off her feet and her butt hits the ground but you catch her head before it can hit the ground. You turn visible and you lightly place her head down, "thanks" she sighed still laying still on the ground.

"Are you okay?" You ask trying to stifle your laugh. "No" she replies, dragging out the 'o' and you shoot her a confused look. "I still can't sense you when your invisible, it is quite frustrating. It's like when your invisible your somehow blocking me out and I can read you. UGH!" She said and you jumped slightly at her sudden yell of frustration. "Oh y/n/n, I'm sorry" she sat up and hugged you tightly and you wrapped your arms around her neck squeezed her a little too hard. "Oh okay I deserve that." She said and you let go of her. The two of you laughed when you looked at Peter who was still lying on the floor but his head was turned to the side and he was just staring at you with a 'bruh' face.

You all stood up and began to walk back into the compound when you saw Natasha sitting at a bench to the side. Wanda and Peter walk inside and you go over to Nat to see what's wrong. She watches you as you take a seat on the bench with a few feet in between you. "What's wrong Nat? Why are you sitting out here?" You ask with a worried face. "I just wanted to talk to you about something." She said, you could hear the nervousness in her voice, and you nodded for to continue. "Uhm I know this is a dumb question but do you and Wanda have a thing going on?" Natasha asks shyly. You didn't know this but she was worried because you and Wanda are so close and she would never stand a chance against her. "Aw you know your cute when you're all vulnerable, but don't worry about her," You say, not mentioning Bucky because you still like him. "And Nat, that's not a dumb question" you reassure and she looks at you with her soft green eyes. "She just likes messing around, she doesn't like me like that." You tried to reassure but Natasha gave you a knowing look, "I don't like her like that either Nat." You said saving her the trouble of asking. "Are you sure?" She asks and you nod making her sigh in relief.

You and Natasha stayed sat on the bench in silence, allowing you to think about this entire situation. The thought that you would have to choose between Bucky and Nat soon, that you would have to hurt one of them made you so frustrated with yourself and you could feel your fist clench tightly. You are broken out of your thoughts when you felt Natasha's fingers brush softly against your fist and she forced your hand open. She flips your hand over to see that your nails have made a small indent in your palm and her eyes fill with worry as she stares at it. She sighs and then interlocks your fingers and presses her palm against yours and squeezes your hand lightly. You smile at the gesture and scoot closer to her so your arm is tucked underneath hers and you rest your head on her shoulder, which then Nat relaxes more and places her head on top of yours.

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