Chapter Twenty Four

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It's been 2 weeks since you came back from your mission and every night you've slept in Natasha's room because every night when you're about to leave she asks you to stay, and then asks if you want to cuddle. There's not really anything that's stopping you two from making it official but you just haven't yet. Also now she is a little clingy now but that's okay because she's so cute when she is. But she's also kind of manipulative when you tell her that she doesn't have to go with you. Like now...

"I'll come with you" she stated and got up from bed, "You don't have to, you can relax in here." you replied. "You don't want me to come with you?" she asked and you paused, how do you to respond to that? "Do you not like me anymore?" she pouted. "What! Of course I do," you started, "okay come on" you shrugged and began walking to the door. She jumped from her spot and practically skipped over to you.

The two of you walked to the kitchen and are greeted by Steve and Bucky. "Hey boys" you say, "Hi y/n" Bucky says and Steve nods in greeting. Oh now Natasha is dead silent. "What are you guys doing?" you ask as you open the fridge. "About to watch a movie, wanna join?" Steve chimes in. You look over at Natasha who is just looking at you with an unreadable expression covering her face. "Yeah, sure" you say and half smile at Natasha but she keeps a stoic expression. "Do you guys want something to drink?" Buck turns to look at you, "Just water, thanks doll" you nod and grab water for everyone. Natasha sits down on one of the couches. "Should we invite the rest of the team?" Bucky and Steve nod, you don't bother looking at Natasha.

You go to Wanda's room, "Wow stranger, long time no see" Wanda said sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah" you shrugged and sat on the bed. "What's up?" she asked, "Hey JARVIS? Can you ask the team if they want to watch a movie in the living room?" You ask as you look at the ceiling. "Of course Miss. Is that all?" you nod but then forget that he might not be able to see you. "Yes, thank you" you turn your attention back to Wanda. "Let's go" you say as you sit up from the bed and Wanda pulls you back down. "Sit, we haven't talked in a while" you shoot her a 'we're doing this now' look. "You're right, but we are talking later." You nod, "Sleepover in my room tonight." she stated and you nodded again. She grabbed your hand and you walked to the living room.

The team was already sat there, so you two took your seats on the ground in front of the chair Nat was on. Natasha brought her legs up and motioned for you to lean against the couch, that's sweet. "What movie should we watch?" Bucky asked the group. Peter opened his mouth, "Peter do not say Star Wars" Clint said. "I wasn't, I was going to say... Mean Girls" Peter replied. "Smooth" Tony shot at Peter. Nobody else suggested a movie, so we did in fact end up watching Mean Girls.

Half way through the movie you stood up from the ground and made your way to the bathroom. Before you closed the door, someone stopped you. "hey" you turned your attention to the red head standing in the doorway. "Hey Nat?" you shot her a smile. "Uhh Nat?" you started and she waited for you to continue. "I have to use the bathroom" you say slowly and she just smiles at you. "Uhh Nat?" you said again. "What's up?" she asked, "I have to pee and that's usually something that people do alone." you told her awkwardly, "Oh right" she replied as she stepped out of the doorway so you could close the door. Once you finished you slowly open the door to find Natasha leaning on the wall to the side. "Did you need to use the...?" you motioned back to the bathroom. "Oh no, I just wanted to talk to you" she said with a smile. "Sure, about what?" you looked into her eyes and she seemed to have froze.

"Um, if you wanted to watch a movie tonight? In my room?" you paused before opening your mouth to speak. "Oh you don't have to if you don't want to." she said and you could see she was a little embarrassed. "No, I want to. It's just, Wanda asked me to sleepover tonight" Natasha didn't seem any happier with that answer. "Just you and Wanda?" she asked and you gave her a confused look. "Yeah? I used to do it all the time, is something wrong?" Natasha had eyebrows raised, "Oh no. Any chance Peter's going to be there?" she asked and you just shrugged. "Not sure she didn't mention anything about him." Natasha pursed her lips in thought. "Wait are you jealous or something?" you questioned. "No I'm not jealous, just thought you two didn't do that kind of stuff anymore." she defended. "Why wouldn't we?"

"Nevermind have fun" she began to walk away but you grabbed her arm and pulled her to face you. "Don't walk away from me" you said firmly and she raised her eyebrows at this new side of you. "Excuse me, I'll do whatever I want" she challenged and you let go of her arm. "I just want you to talk to me" you say calmly, "Well there's nothing to talk about, we aren't dating" she said with a bit of attitude, "Okay" you shoot, "Fine" she shoots back. You scoff and roll your eyes before turning to walking away from her. Your first 3 steps are slow and you feel a tug at your heart once you realize that she isn't going to stop you.

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