Chapter 5

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The elevator doors opened to reveal the control room to Owen and Anya. Anya who walked right past the guard and into her father's arms as the guard asked Owen for a badge, a request he ignored.

"What the hell happened out there?! There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. She did not just disappear!" Owen exclaimed as he shoved the guard off him, Anya gesturing to him that it was alright to let Owen go.

Claire sighed. "It must have been some kind of technical malfunction," she rambled.

"Were you not watching?" Anya piped up as she let go of her father and all eyes fell on her. "She marked that wall as a distraction. She wanted us to think she escaped."

"Hold on. We are talking about an animal here," Claire said as she tried to diffuse the anger clearly radiating off the two raptor trainers.

"A highly intelligent animal," Owen fired back.

"400 metres to the beacon," reported Vivian, one of the desk workers, and they all turned towards the large screen where a squadron of men was hunting through the forest for the dinosaur.

"You're going after her with nonlethals?" Owen asked in disbelief.

"We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it," Simon spoke up and Anya turned to her father.

"Papa, those men are going to die."

He stayed silent as he stared at his daughter.

"300 meters to the beacon," Vivian spoke up.

"You need to call this mission off," Owen said.

"They're right on top of it," Lowry, another desk worker, added.

"Call it off, right now," Owen said forcefully.

"You are not in control here!" Claire exclaimed, shaking in both anger and fear.

"Papa, please. They're all going to die," Anya begged but her father said nothing, and Anya only looked towards the big screen in disappointment.

The troop leader, Hamada, picked up a piece of skin as he said into the comm on his wrist, "The blood's not clotted yet. It's close."

"What is that?" Simon asked.

"That's her tracking implant. She clawed it out," Owen explained, his voice far off in both fear and amazement at this animals' intelligence as he moved closer to the screens.

"How would it know to do that?" Claire asked.

"She remembered where they put it in," Anya said in a small voice and instantly met Owen's gaze as he turned to meet hers before they both stared at the screen again.

They then watched in horror as the white dinosaur revealed itself as the leafy green pattern on its skin faded and Hamada yelled, "IT CAN CAMOFLAGUE!"

Anya had a hand on her lips as Hamada was then picked up by the dinosaur, the other troopers shooting tranquillizers and stunners, but it was like trying to cut down a tree with a butterknife; it made little difference and the Indominus didn't even feel it as it grew angrier.

Her hand pressed to her lips harder as one after another, more members of the ACU flatlined, those that were left shouting panickily before all that was left was the sound of flatlining heart monitors.

Anya dared a look at her father who'd clasped his hands together and brought them to his lips as Owen turned to Claire, who had ghosts of tears in her eyes.

"Evacuate the island," he said.

"We'd never reopen."

And Anya snapped.

"You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity. She's seeing all of this for the first time. She doesn't even know what she is. She will kill everything that moves. Everything! And you care about reopening?" she spat menacingly as she slowly approached Claire while pointing at the screen.

"You think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" her father questioned.

"She's learning where she fits in the food chain and I don't think you want her to figure that out, Papa."

"Now, Asset Containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have an M-134 in your armoury. Put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" Owen exclaimed as he moved back up to where Anya stood with her father and Claire.

"We have families here! I'm not going to turn this place into some kind of a warzone!" Claire yelled and Anya only scoffed.

"You already have."

"Miss Masrani, Mr Grady, if you're not going to help, there's no reason for you to be here," Claire dismissed.

While Owen grew frustrated and swiped all of Lowry's dinosaurs off his desk, storming off, Anya only scoffed again and said to Claire, "Fine. We'll leave. But if you're not careful Claire, this park is going to end up just like Hammond's."

Claire looked visibly shaken as Anya began to follow Owen who'd stopped to talk to her father, a conversation she tried to hear but couldn't as she spoke to Claire.

Owen stood close to his best friends' father as he whispered, "I would have a word with your people in the lab. That thing out there, that's no dinosaur. And that thing, almost killed your daughter."

Owen glared at the guard as he hit the button for the elevator, before turning to where Anya was trying to reason with her father.

"If there was ever a time to listen to me Papa, it is now. Please. Everyone is going to die, including me if you don't do something."

Not waiting for his answer, she kissed his cheek before walking into the elevator Owen held open for her and silence washed over the two of them as the doors slid closed.

But little did they all know that it was about to grow much worse than anyone could imagine.

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