Chapter 48

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Turns out she called Franklin who was now a hotshot at the CIA.

He was able to help them identify Rainn Delacourt as the man who'd taken Blue's baby and Maisie. He was said to be in Malta for a cash-cargo exchange that the CIA was trying to bust. And a local man on the ground was in deep cover there.

A man they happened to know.


He was part of French intelligence now and it had definitely been too long since they'd last seen him. Well over six years – granted the last four they were basically fugitives, but regardless, it had still been too long since they'd last seen their friend.

Which was exactly why they'd gone against Franklin's wishes to stay out of it and Anya had sent Barry an encrypted message to meet them in Malta.

"Owen, Anya," called a voice as the two of them, along with Claire walked the streets of their agreed meeting place.

For the first time since Maisie was taken, Anya smiled as she went over to hug him.

"It's been too long, old friend," she said before they pulled away.

"Agreed. Owen," he greeted as the two pulled each other into a hug.

"Barry. Man, you're a sight for sore eyes."

"I'll bet. You two are still together? He hasn't scared you off with his stench?" Barry joked as Owen looked offended, but Anya just smiled before she held up her left hand.

"I'm kind of permanently stuck with him now, stench and all," she replied as Owen held up his own hand to show off his tattoo.

"Well, congratulations to you both. I'm not even offended that I wasn't invited."

"I wasn't even invited," Claire piped up before she and Barry greeted each other with a hug. "I thought you would've chosen a quieter line of work."

"I tried. My cousin and I opened a café. I lasted three weeks. The way the world is headed, it's hard to look away," Barry replied.

"Tell me about it," Anya muttered before rubbing her hands together. "So, give us the low down."

He nodded before he began explaining.

"Delacourt was hired by Soyona Santos. A broker in the underground dinosaur trade. We don't have intel on his cargo. But once they make the exchange, we'll see what they know about your girl."

"Thank you, Barry," Owen said as they walked to the entrance of the place where the trade was supposed to go down.

"You can listen in. but promise me, you will not make contact," Barry asked as he handed them all an earpiece.

"Yeah," Claire said as she put hers in and Barry gave Owen and Anya a pointed look.

Barry went on to explain how big the trading market for dinosaurs really was, yet all of them passed through this one place.

"Don't look at anyone. Don't speak to anyone and don't touch anything. Just try to blend in," Barry instructed as they walked down a dark tunnel and into a large underground room.

The place reeked and the sound of dinosaurs could be heard from anywhere.

They were being used for everything.

Food, show, tricks.

Owen had pressed himself to Anya's back as he whispered in her ear, "I'm going to head outside with Barry. You and Claire alright here?"

Her hand linked with his that was around her waist as she nodded her head.

"Be careful," she muttered.

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