Chapter 8

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After getting back into the car, Anya drove this time as they made their way to the restricted section of the island, where the skeleton of the missing Gyrosphere lay.

Jimmy Fallon's voice was a broken record as his safety video played random sections over and over, the ride sparking every once in a while, as they disembarked and moved closer.

Owen went straight for the sphere, pulling his knife from the sheath on the back of his belt to help pull out a tooth that had been embedded in the structure of the sphere.

"Oh, no, no, no. No," Claire cried as she knelt in the mud and picked up a cracked phone, tears spilling freely from her face.

"Hey! They made it out," Anya said as she spotted shoeprints in the mud just near Claire, who sighed heavily in relief, and Owen dropped the tooth as they followed the prints.

Prints that led them to the edge of a waterfall.

"Oh my god. They jumped," Claire deduced in disbelief.

"Brave kids," Owen remarked and Anya was inclined to agree, it was a far fall.

"ZACH! GREY!" Claire then screamed into the distance before Anya held a hand to her mouth, Claire shoving her off.

"Hey! I am not one of your damn animals," she exclaimed loudly, annoyed.

"Listen," she urged quietly, Owen still staring wide-eyed at what an idiot move Claire just made. "Those kids are still alive, but we will not be if you continue to scream like that."

"So, you can pick up their scent, can't you? Track their footprints?" Claire whisper-yelled to Owen as Anya rolled her eyes.

"I was with the Navy, not the Navajo," Owen retorted.

"So, then what should we do? What do you suggest we do?" Claire asked worriedly, still whispering.

"You get back. We'll find them," Anya said as she checked the chamber of her gun before cocking it.

"No. We'll find them," Claire corrected as she pointed at all three of them.

"You'll last two minutes in there!" Owen said in an urgent whisper, still facing Claire.

"Less in those ridiculous heels," Anya commented, pointing at them with the barrel of her gun.

Claire only put a determined look on her face as she began to unclip her belt, Owen's eyes never leaving her face even though he saw the action and Anya couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

She ripped her blouse open to reveal the purple tank top she wore underneath before tying up the ends of the blouse and rolling up her sleeves, placing her hands on her hips.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Owen asked confused.

"It means I'm ready to go," Claire said, slightly embarrassed that he didn't understand what she did, and Anya only laughed harder.

"Are you done?" Owen asked as Anya wiped the moisture from her eyes and readjusted her grip on her gun.

"Yeah, I'm good," she smirked at him and Owen just rolled his eyes as he looked back at Claire.

"Okay. But let's get one thing straight. Out here, we're in charge," he said as he pointed to him and Anya. "You do everything we say exactly as we say it."

"Excuse me?" Claire asked in disbelief.

"Just relax," Owen calmed. "It's just like taking a stroll through the woods, 65 million years ago," he said holding up his gun.

Claire only sighed as she pushed past him and began to walk.

Anya couldn't help the smirk on her lips as she stood next to Owen and tapped him on the chest. "Keep up, Sailor," she taunted before following after Claire.

Owen gave a quick glance to the massive dinosaur footprint in the mud next to him before chasing after Claire and Anya, but mainly Anya. 

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