Chapter 44

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After all the dinosaurs had escaped into the night, Owen and Anya led the group outside, Maisie wrapped in a blanket next to Zia while Franklin helped Claire down the stairs of Lockwood's manor.

But a growl made them all stop, and they looked to where Blue stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey girl," Owen called with a small smile.

"Owen," Claire said softly and he shushed her.

"It's ok. She won't hurt us," he promised as he followed Anya who'd already started making her way down the stairs with her arm outstretched.

"That's my Blue," Anya smiled as the raptor nuzzled her hand, hesitating slightly before doing the same to Owen as Anya stroked down Blue's neck.

"Blue, come with us," Owen asked softly, only Anya and the raptor being able to hear his words.

Blue purred as Owen rubbed her nose and tears began to slide down Anya's face as Owen continued because she knew that his words could be nothing more than a daydream.

"We'll take you to a safe place, ok?"

But one look at the cage she'd have to be transported in and she hissed at Owen before turning to face Anya.


And with that whisper, Blue gave them one last chitter goodbye before disappearing into the night.

Maisie then rushed to Anya, hugging her around the waist and startling the woman for a moment before she hugged back.

And then Owen joined in.

Because now came the question of what came next?

Because now, the name of her father's park had a whole new meaning. 

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