Chapter 29

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 After pushing her already aching limbs to swim, the group of four dragged themselves ashore, Owen and Anya laying on the sand as waves still lapped at their bodies, Claire and Franklin heaving as they sat further up shore.

With her eyes closed and sun soaking her skin, Anya took that one moment to let sink in the fact that they were all somehow, miraculously alive before Owen grabbed her hand.

"If we make it off this island alive, remind me to dump you for convincing me to come here in the first place," she panted, and Owen couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm glad you're ok too."

Owen pressed his lips to her temple, her skin tasting of sand and salt before Claire's voice asked, "Where's Zia?"

"It was a double-cross," Owen explained as they sat up. "They took her."

Claire's face fell slightly.

"She must be with Blue. She's the only one that can keep her alive. Hey, Franklin! Can you still track her?" Anya called over to him.

"Not anymore," Franklin replied as he held up the track that dripped water before throwing it back down to the ground.

"It was all a lie," Claire muttered in disbelief. "Bastards! It was all a lie!" she cried out as she punched the sand but before anyone could offer worlds of comfort to Claire, a familiar roar drew their attention.

A helicopter flew by them, towing a cage with Rexane inside as she cried out.

"Not all of it," Owen said as he got to his feet.

"Right. We're gonna get off this island and then, I'm going to kill Wheatley," Anya growled as she stared off in the direction the helicopter had flown off with Rexane.

"So long as you leave me Mills," Claire added and Anya only gave her a grim nod as Franklin said,

"As scary as you are, Anya, how are we going to get off this island?"

Owen put a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder as he said, "The same way Wheatley is getting them off."


The four of them lay in the bushes, hidden a little way from the dock as they watched Wheatley yell out orders, Owen and Anya alternating turns peering through binoculars at the scene below.

"They have Zia. They're loading out," Owen informed as he landed eyes on the girl in yellow who was also yelling at her captors.

"If they already had the dinosaurs, then why did they need us?" Franklin asked.

"They needed the tracking system to capture Blue," Claire answered.

"There she is. She don't look good," Owen said, wordlessly handing Anya the binoculars before she even reached for it and guiding her to see where Blue was.

"She's lost too much blood and god knows what that bullet hit and how it moved when they transported her," Anya said sorrowfully, heart aching at the thought of losing her last raptor.

Owen only had the time to squeeze her hand before a loud rumble sounded from behind them and the side of the volcano exploded.

"We need to get on that boat!" Owen yelled as he yanked Anya to her feet and they began running, Claire convincing Franklin to follow them as meteors of flaming rock began raining down on them.

The boat was almost loaded, as they ran towards it.

"Get that truck!" Owen instructed as he pointed at the single abandoned truck left on the dock as the horn of the ship blared.

But a massive explosion to their right knocked Franklin off his feet, Claire running back for him before Owen stopped her.

"You two get that truck going!" he ordered as they changed directions and he jerked Franklin to his feet.

Claire jumped into the back, ready to help pull Owen and Franklin in as Anya twisted the key left in the ignition and the truck roared to life as she shifted it into gear.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she heard Claire's calls of encouragement as she hauled the boys into the truck, and it only sped up as she watched the boat ramp slide off the dock as the boat began to pull away.

"Anya!" Claire yelled in worry and the woman only set a determined expression on her face.

"Hold on!" she shouted as she shifted gears and pressed her foot down harder even though the accelerator was already on the floor.

The truck flew off the dock, landing on the ramp with a jolt but not moving up as the back wheels were stuck in the water, just spinning it up.

Anya only shifted gears again as the truck jerked forward before she slammed on the brakes.

With her hands still on the steering wheel, and the engine now switched off, Anya only realised how close that call had been.

"That's my girl. Nice driving babe," Owen said to her as she nodded her head in thanks, trying to calm her heart before tossing a discarded cap she found to Claire to hide her bright red hair.

Anya then opened the door but didn't step out as she used the frame to brace herself, staring out the back of the open boat at the Brachiosaurus that called to them from the end of the dock, nowhere left to go.

The trio in the back of the truck and everyone else in the boat watched, sadness blanketing over all of them as the dinosaur bellowed.

And it felt as if someone squeezed Anya's heart as her eyes lined with tears and a cloud of smoke wrapped around the animal, flashes of fire illuminating its silhouette as it let out one last roar of agony before the doors shut, and it was dark again. 

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