Chapter 43

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A toxic gas that had been leaked from a broken storage container when the lab had exploded earlier after Blue's escape.

A gas that would kill the dinosaurs as it got to the containment level, the ventilation system offline and unable to filter it out.

They stood in a large control room as they looked at the surveillance feeds of the dinosaurs.

"They're all dying," Claire gasped.

"We did everything we could," Zia promised.

"I can open the gates from here," Claire said as she struggled to move over to another control panel.

"Claire, be careful," Anya warned. "We're not on an island anymore."

And one by one the cell doors opened as the animals struggled to get out, the gas burning their lungs.

And Claire turned to the couple, Maisie standing with Zia, eyes wide as she realised what she'd done.

Though they were free from their cages, they were still trapped inside the building.

They were still going to die.

The redhead's eyes then landed on a giant red button encased in glass.

The button for the exterior doors.

The button that would set them free and let them loose on the world.

And her fingers were on the button, but something in her stopped her from pressing it.

"Claire," Owen said softly as he gripped Anya tight, the gravity of the situation falling on them. "You press that button and there's no going back."

"We can't let them die," she whispered, almost as if she didn't trust her voice.

But she closed that glass that encased the button.

Claire sobbed, Zia moving to put a hand on her shoulder as she watched the dinosaurs grow weaker as they inhaled the toxic fumes, Owen and Anya also not able to take their eyes off the sight as they held onto each other for dear life, guilt gnawing at them.

And then the doors opened.

They all turned to Maisie who stood with her hand on the button, a hand that shook along with the rest of her body as her face was stained with tears.

"I had to," she whimpered before looking to Owen and Anya. "They're alive, like me."

And the couple could only watch as the dinosaurs ran through the tunnel, desperate for fresh air.

For they were finally free. 

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