Chapter 2

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As soon as Josephine stepped out into the outside world, back into reality, she saw her best friend Daphne talking to Benedict as he mounted his horse.

" Daphne!" Jo shouted, as she hurriedly walked down the stairs with poor Alice trying to hold onto her train, trying to make sure she didn't trip. Daphne immediately looked away from her brother and at Jo, and she beamed in delight.

" Jo!" She called out, and made her way towards her, the both of them meeting in the middle of their two homes with a hug.

Jo had known the Bridgerton's her whole life, and had a unique relationship with every one of them.

Daphne of course was her dearest friend, and one she could absolutely tell anything to ( well almost anything, there are some secrets one must only keep to themselves), and with Daphne only being one year older than her, made both the Hydeton's and the Bridgerton's delighted as their children would be the greatest of friends.

Antony of course, took on the big brother role and protector of Josephine, as she had no other siblings to protect her from her witty remarks that could get her in trouble with her old governess ( All 25 that had quit after Jo's impractical jokes, and cheeky humour).

Benedict ( Jo would say), is the only one out of the Bridgerton children that she would have the classic, brotherly sister teasing. It was identical to the relationship, Gregory and Hyacinth had with their constant teasing and playing pranks on one another. But as they got older their teasing did die down, but not fully.

Eloise was like a little sister to Jo, they both shared the love for being independent, literature and exploration. However, after the news of Jo becoming a debutant, Jo had felt a strain on their relationship, as she knew Eloise's greatest fear was being owned by a man, one that Jo shared too.

Francesca was now at a stage in her life where she could constantly pester Daphne and Jo, about the preparation of becoming debutants and how it feels. Her personality being the completely opposite of Eloises', she and Jo didn't have the closest relationship out if the Bridgerton's, but still classed her as a sister non the less.

Now Gregory and Hyacinth, were the little dynamic duo that Jo loved so much. Not only did they remind her of a younger Benedict and herself, but they always brought joy and laughter to her even on the darkest days.

" You look absolutely beautiful Daph!" Jo squealed, slightly bouncing on her toes as they let go of each other and held each other's hands.

" And as do you Jo! The prettiest picture I have ever seen, on portrait and in person!" Daphne said, taking in her dress, hair and jewels " And are those roses! Madam Delacour surly has out herself!"

" She surly has out done your dress as well, I'm sure you'll have every suitor after you!" Jo said, twirling Daphne around making the both of them laugh. Mid twirling Jo's eyes had caught onto his face. As though he had felt someone's eyes on him, he looked towards Jo then back at his brother. But as though he had miss looked something, he looked back at Jo and had a moment of shock imprinted on his face.

And finally, there was Collin. Now Collin Bridgerton was something, a complete pain yes, a constant annoyance also yes, but someone that brought her the greatest joy and laughter to her life. When they were children they would alway tease each other, but not how she and Benedict would tease. But that teasing all came to a stop, that faithful summer eight years ago.

" Benedict come look at Jo!" Daphne said, dragging Jo towards them one handed " Isn't she beautiful?"

" For a headless chicken? Of course!" Benedict said, looking down at Jo from his horse with his classic smirk.

" Shut up Ben!" Jo said, hitting his leg harshly as she rolled her eyes " Don't make me knock you off you horse... again."

" Ow, okay yeah, you really do look beautiful Jo." Benedict said, rubbing his leg.

" Thank you." Jo said, smirking up at Benedict which he responded by sticking out his tongue.

" He is right Jo," Collin said, stepping forward to officially join the conversation, and Jo's head wiped towards him " You really do look beautiful... for a headless chicken." He smiled mischievously.

" Collin Bridgerton," Jo said placing her hands on her hips " Don't tell me that I have to drop you on your bottom again in fencing, I have rather missed that sight and I am dying for a reason to do it again." Daphne and Benedict both looked away from the two and tried to stifle their laughs at the memory.

" Don't tell me that I have to make you do that angelic sound that happens when you laugh?" Collin said, smirking back at her and raised an eyebrow. ' Angelic' was not a word Jo would call that god awful sound that she made when laughed. One of the many things Daphne and Jo had in common, luckily for Jo it was only certain people that could make her laugh like that, however Collin was one of those people. Before Jo could come back with another witty remark, her Papa and Violet walked up to them very quickly.

" Oh Jo you look divine!" Violet Bridgerton said, taking Jo's face and kissing the top of her head.

" And as do you Daphne!" Jo's Papa said, taking Daphne's gloved hand and kissed it gently.

" Thank you Violet!" Jo said, beaming at the woman who had practically raised her to be the young lady she was today.

" And thank you Stephan!" Daphne said, smiling just as bright.

" Now come on, we must make haste," Violet said, clapping her hands together sharply " It would be bad on both of our families if we turn up late!"

" Of course," Stephen ( Jo's papa) said, bowing his head slightly towards Violet " Was shall see you there Vi."

" And as will we." Violet said, bowing her head back at him before giving Jo a kiss on the cheek and moved Daphne along towards their own carriage, and Daphne gave one last shout of ' goodbye' and a wave before she entered her carriage, but Violet waited out side as if she was looking for someone to arrive.

" See you there boys." Stephen said, smiling at Benedict and Collin then walked towards their carriage and climbed in after their footman opened the door.

" Don't fall off your horse boys!" Jo called back at them, as she slowly walking away from them " Especially you Collin, remember," she then turned her head towards him with a mischievous smirk on her face " Hold on with your thighs, we don't want another accident like last time, no matter how funny it was." It was now Collins time, to be prevented from saying something witty back, as Jo quickly made her way to her carriage and was helped up my her footman and Alice making sure her dress got into the carriage correctly so it didn't rip.

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