Chapter 29

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" I would tell you it's been lovely spending all this time with you, Your Grace," Lady Danbury said, as herself, Jo and Simon walked through the halls of Simons town house that was quickly been cleared out by his servants and house keepers " But I intend to leave such sycophant behaviour for the rest of the ton." Jo giggled slightly at her aunts sly remark.

" I shall miss you too, Lady Danbury," Simon chuckled " And you the most Jojo." He smiled and gently ruffled the neat hair of Jo, causing some on the lavender rose petals to move slightly.

" Hey!" Jo laughed, and she swatted Simons hand away from her " I shall have you know it took Alice an hour to make sure my hair would behave right, and I won't allow you to mess up her hard work!"

" Rightly so miss..." Simon studied Jo's gown and raised an eyebrow " Lavender. Which I'm sure I remember you saying one summer's evening when we played at your family's country estate, represents fascination, majesty and... love at first sight? Not trying to catch the eye of anyone are we now?"

" Only trying to seal the deal." Jo winked cheekily. Truth be told, she was trying to forget about sealing any deal with anyone until Collin Bridgerton would stop plaguing her every thought, it would not be fair to any gentleman to be sealed with such a fate of his wife loving another.

" Hurrah!" Lady Danbury, clasped her hands together " Maybe there will be a wedding after all," and she gave Simon a disappointed look, hinting that she was hoping it would be him married by the end of the season " Are you going to tell us where you will go? This time, that is."

" Yes, papa would like to know you are safe during this journey, and I would like some letters!" Jo kindly smiled at Simon, even though she didn't want him to leave ( and most importantly of all leave Daphne) she wanted him to be happy.

" I am still considering, but perhaps-"

" It does not really matter does it?" Lady Danbury interrupted " I am sure you will abscond to some remote corner of the world, and continue to do what you have always done." She refused to look at Simon as they continue to walk his empty halls, disappointment was an understatement.

" And what would that be?" Simon raised an eyebrow.

" Take everything you have for granted," She stopped in her place, causing Jo to stop as well and Simon to turn around " A young man I have always taken pride in raising along side my niece well... I would have expected more," Simon looked tiredly at Lady Danbury, as if he had knew this conversation would be coming " More discernment, more understanding, more appreciation-"

" Lady Danbury-" Simon tried to stop her but she carried on and stepped closer to him.

" You allowed that young woman to slip through your fingers as if it were nothing," Lady Danbury urged " I understand that you believe such subjects as love and devotion, affection and attachment," Simon sighed deeply " You find it all trite and frivolous, but have you any idea those verve things are precisely what have allowed a new day to begin to dawn in this society? Look at our queen, look at our king. Look at their marriage, look at what is doing for us," She placed a hand on his heart " Allowing us to become. We were two separated societies divided by colour, until a king fell in love with one of us! Love, Your Grace... conquers all."

" I believe that remains to be seen," Simon stubbornly said, and Lady Danbury signed and stepped back " The king may have chosen his queen, he may have elevated us from novelties in their eyes to now dukes, countesses," He motioned over to Jo and she shyed away " And royalty, and at that same whim... he may just as easily change his mind, a mind as we all know, that is hanging on by one very loose and tenuous thread, so no I am sorry Lady Danbury, we are in disagreement here. Love. Changes. Nothing," He took a deep breath and then inhaled quickly " My ship departs at quarter last nine... I will write to you both, including your father Josephine... from wherever I go." And with that he walked away, back to the shadows of the corridor in his town home.

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