Chapter 28

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" Okay but you should surly know mama would have my head if she found out." Anthony said to Daphne, and he and his brothers attempted to leave their home.

" Where are you going?" Jo spoke out, as she poked her head out of the Bridgerton family library.

" A boxing match, oh Jo do join!" Daphne smiled, as she rushed over to Jo's side and hooked her arm with hers.

" No no no," Anthony said, stepping away from his brothers and towards the girls " Do you both not care for my safety?!"

" Fine then if Jo can't go then I won't," Daphne raised her head stubbornly " I'm sure I will have another chance to talk with Prince Friedrich... possibly... maybe... probably never-"

" Okay fine! You both may attend!" Anthony ran his hand over his face, and Daphne giggled as she clapped her hands excitedly together.

" Oh such fun!" Daphne beamed at Jo, and dragged Jo out of the Bridgerton home, with a boy's gaze following her, reminding himself of what they were.


" Try not to faint will you Jo?" Collin bent down to whisper in her ear, as the men took their places in the ring.

Daphne was soon separated from Jo to the Prince as they reached their destination. And to Jo's dismay she and Collin were left quite close together in the stands, Anthony and Benedict already fully emerged in the fight.

" Try not to forget what we are, my family friend." Jo said, keeping her eyes on the fight trying to stop her heart from betraying her mind.

" Yes," Collin straightened his back " How could I forget friend."

" Yes friend," Jo replied, and winced slightly as one of the boxers right hooked another. Hard. " Speaking of friends," Jo re-started their conversation " I appear to have misplaced one of my gloves, a glove I remember you having at the picnic."

" I do not follow." Collin spoke, refusing to look her way.

" I am saying," Jo jumped slightly as one of the boxers fell to the floor and everyone erupted into applause, including Collin " That you may have my glove!" She shouted as best as she could over the noise.

" I do not!" Collin shouted back, the applause still in full affect " If I did don't you believe I would have returned it by now?!"

" Right," How foolish was Jo, why would he keep it? " I'm sorry I thought-"

" Never the matter," Collin faced Jo, with an odd expression on his face " An honest mistake. I believe we should be leaving now, the match has finished." And he walked right by her, leaving her with Anthony and Benedict.

" This is what you wanted Jo," She thought " Friends. Nothing more."


" Your brother took the two of you where?!" Violet demand, as Daphne played her piano, as she was submerged into her pianist skills she had let slip that she and Jo and attached a boxing match. Jo clutched her book tightly and burred her head in her book in attempt for Violet not to focus on her.

" He kept close watch over us the entire time mama!" Daphne insisted and she continued to play on the piano.

" I does not matter!" Violet urged " A boxing exhibition is no place for any young lady, especially the two of you!" She pointed and Jo then Daphne, which caused Jo to attempt to submerge herself even more into her book.

" Is it a place for a prince?" Hyacinth said, standing next to her mother " Was he at todays match sister?"

" He certainly was." Daphne smiled, and Jo's eyes narrowed slightly in her direction. Daphne and Simon had suddenly stopped their little ruse, and both would refuse to tell her the real truth why, especially Simon. But Jo saw the way they looked at one another, and she didn't care how much they both denied it. She knew they cared deeply for one another.

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