Chapter 36

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" Perhaps I can come with you!" Gregory smiled as he and Hyacinth held Daphnes hand as they walked towards the carriage with the rest and of Bridgerton's ( Simon, Jo and her father included) trailing closely behind them " I have always wanted to live in a castle!"

" If Daphne is going to take anyone with her Gregory, it will be me!" Hyacinth stated, and Daphne gave her a one armed hug.

" The two of you are staying here until our dear sister allows us a visit!" Collin laughed, and embraced Daphne lovingly as they had gotten to the carriage.

" You mean if she allows us a visit!" Benedict joked, before also giving Daphne a loving hug " I'm sure you'll enjoy the peace and quite."

" I am going to miss you all terribly." Daphne said, stepping away from her brothers hug, and turning around to meet Jo with a saddened smile and rushed forward to give her another tight hug which Jo returned just as tightly.

" Even me?" Anthony said, waiting his hug nervously as he was a couple step's behind Jo.

" Even you." Daphne smiled, and ( reluctantly) let go of Jo to rush over and give Anthony a well needed hug from her eldest brother.

" Have you been-?" Benedict said, looking down at Jo as they stood aside patiently for Daphne " Crying?"

" No!" Jo said, looking away from Benedict and quickly rubbing her tired eyes " It's just hay fever!" She said proudly.

" But Jo," Collin said, joining the conversation nervously, not sure on how Jo was going to act around him " You do not have hay fever."

" Well I do now Collin!" Jo said, her head quickly snapping up to glare at him " Shows how much you know about me!" She then quickly walked away and made her way to Simon.

" What's wrong with her?" Benedict murmured to Collin.

" I can take a guess." Collin sighed, as he and he brother took their places at the gate with the rest of their family.

" I'm going to miss you dearly!" Jo said, hugging Simon tightly as he hugged her back " I cannot believe you are stealing away my dearest friend!"

" Were you not the one who insisted on our marriage?" Simon chuckled as he continued to embrace Jo.

" Yes... but I can still be mad at you for taking her away from me!" Jo laughed and stepped back from Simon reluctantly " I hope you know that Daphne deserves the world... and more." She giggled.

" You have nothing to worry about JoJo." Simon smiled down at Jo, before turning to bid his farewell to Stephan ( her father).

Jo rushed over to where the Bridgerton's were all standing, but she eyed Collin wearily as he took a step away from his siblings to give Daphne another hug ( they were the closest osiblings of course).

" Do you have an idea on why Jo is mad with me?" Collin whispered, as he hugged Daphne goodbye again.

" I do," Daphne hummed resentfully " How was the library?" She asked, annoyance laced in her voice with the fact that her brother had hurt Jo.

" I thought it was because of that," Collin nodded knowingly " Well let's just hope you'll have an excuse to come back sooner than expected."

" Why would that be?" Daphne said, looking at her brother suspiciously as he stepped away from Daphne.

" Your carriage is waiting little sister!" Collin, winked before returning to where the rest of his family was, and took this chance to stand ( very) closely next to Jo.

Daphne took one lasts look back at her childhood home, before taking a longing look at her family and Jo before climbing into the carriage with Simons help. Simon climbed in closely after her, and the carriage was off.

Jo felt her heart ache as she watched her dearest friend Jo, she could not truly remember a time where the two were separated ( apart from the time when she'd visit Simon in the summers), so her heart broke at the fact that she won't be seeing her friend as often as she would hope for.

The rests of the Bridgerton family stared tearfully at the carriage as it got further and further away. However during this moment of bittersweet sadness, Collins hand brushed Jo's ungloved one making her breath hilt at the friction. His hand stayed grazed against hers, before moving so both the palms were facing each other and his hand slipped a piece of paper in hers.

Jo's fist clenched around the piece of paper, as Collins hand grazed her fist then slowly grazed her wrist before leaving her hand entirely. Although Jo's breath and returned back to normal, she couldn't feel saddened at his lack of touch.

Jo wanted to immediately raise her head so their eyes met, but she only made her way to his upper arm before shyly looking up at him. Collin was already gazing down at her, his eyes longingly looking down at her pink lips before making his way up to her eyes which almost knocked the breath out of him. Jo's lips parted, for a second she had completely forgotten that they were still standing outside... in front of their family non the less, and she had to prevent herself from reaching up and pulling him down to bring him closer to her.

Collin saw Jo part her lips, and he had to quickly look away ( back towards the moving carriage that was almost completely out of view) to control himself. He then looked back down at Jo and gave her a quick nod, before rushing back towards his home running a frustrated hand through his dark brown hair. Jo watched him walk away, but stopped when she had remembered the paper he had given her.

Still balled up in her hand, she quickly unfolded the small piece of paper until it read out a message:

' Meet me at the swings at Midnight tonight, go through the back gate and try not to get caught xx'

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