Chapter 5

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" We're here!" Jo called out to no one in particular as she walked through the Bridgerton home after one of the servants had opened the door for her with a smile.

" Wow," a voice said from the doorway of the study, making Jo's head immediately turn as she knew that voice anywhere, even if she was blindfolded and in the dark. Collin was leaning on the door frame an open book in his hand, with that all too knowing cheeky smile " You really were quick!" He laughed.

" Well I told all of you that I was going to be." Jo said, raising an eyebrow at him then placing her hands on her hips.

" I can see that." Collin chuckled, as he walked up to her then moved a strand of loose hair from her face to the side. Jo was never one to keep her hair up, or come up with a " lady like" style the other young girls would wear. Nope, Jo preferred to have it all out. It was a rare sight to even see Jo without her curly brown hair following behind her, blowing wherever the wind had decided it should be.

However, Jo had now suddenly been over come by embarrassment at the fact that her hair was " all out" and that had never happened before. It wasn't that messy, not how it would be after riding or after she had climbed a tree, but it was non the less neat either, just placed wherever it had fallen after Alice had released it from her up do.

" No need to be embarrassed Jo," Collin said  tilting his head slightly to the side after he had seen a faint blush track along her cheeks and neck ( as it would usually do when she had felt such a way) " Personality I like your hair down, it's more, well you." He said with a smile.

" Well, thanks Collin," Jo said, giving him a small smile in return, then her eyes traveled down to the book in Collins hand " Hamlet? I've would've never chosen you to be the Shakespeare type and a play at that." She said, her eyebrows raised.

" I'm not really," Collin said, now starting to fiddle with the corners " Just bored really, Antony and Benedict have gone out to town. Any thoughts?" He said, raising the books slightly.

" An eventful play I must say, but I fear I do not like this one much." She said, looking down at the book, eyebrows furrowed.

" And why is that?" He said.

" Hamlet is blinded by revenge, and lets himself succumb to madness in a goal to kill his uncle, thus leading to his downfall, quite a silly way to die I must say, blinded by revenge and all he let the woman he loved slip through his fingers and never got the chance to love again all because of revenge." Jo said.

" It is quite a silly way to die," Collin said, nodding his head thoughtfully " Any other recommendations?"

" Try Odyssey I know you'll love it, it's a poem about the Greek hero Odysseus, king of Ithaca, and his journey home after the Trojan War. Although it's split into 24 books so I shall hope you find them all and let be borrow the remaining 14 after you've read them as I cannot seem to acquire them." She said.

" I shall have to read into them," Collin smiled " Actually Jo, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

" Erm Miss Jo,?" Alice said, reminding Jo that she and Collin were not truly alone " Shall I find Miss Daphne and place your dress with her?"

" Oh Alice, erm no that'll be alright I shall be finding Daphne in just a moment," Jo said, turning around to Alice before turning back to Collin " As you were saying?"

" Never mind," Collin said, smiling " I shall tell you later tonight."

" Are you sure Collin?" Jo said.

" I am sure," He said " Now, go! Try on your dresses!" He laughed, making Jo roll her eyes bid  their farewells, then quickly walked up the stairs in search of Daphne.

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