Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

Now, we're by the fountain in the middle of town as we watch Luca try to get on the ride called the bike. Luca jumps up on it, but then yelps as he falls to the ground.

Maybe, on second thought, we might not win this race if they can't do this.

"All right, try jumping onto it," Alberto tells Luca.

Luca does what he said, but he still falls, making me cover my eyes with my right hand.

"No, no, no. You gotta show it you're the boss!" Alberto then tells Luca.

That's not really giving that much info.

Luca tries to balance on it once again, but, once again, falls on the ground. I shake my head. I mean, I don't even know how to ride it either, so maybe I shouldn't really give him that much pressure.

Giulia then lets out a sigh in annoyance.

"Santa mozzarella. Eyes up. Looking down is what's making you fall," Giulia tells Luca.

Luca tries to get on again, and this time, while looking up. And it looked like he's getting the hang of it.

He starts to ride the bike forward, making me smile at this.

"Whoa. I'm doing it," Luca says as he rides around.

"So, can we be on the team?" Alberto then asks Giulia.

Giulia then says something in Italian, probably telling us to wait or hold up. I lift up an eyebrow because of this with my arms crossed as I watch what she does next.

"Can you dodge obstacles?" Giulia asks Luca as she gets in front of him with a cane, pretending to be an old lady. "What if an old lady crosses your path?" She asked, sounding like an old lady.

Luckily, Luca rides pass her, dodging her. I let out a sigh, knowing that he passed her safely.

"Can you withstand passive-aggressive verbal assaults?" Giulia then asks Luca as she walks beside him while he's riding the bike. "Nice bike, Number One and Number Two. I was kidding. Your bike is a disgrace. Ha, ha, ha, ha!" She then goes on while imitating Ercole's voice.

I literally had to hold back the urge to punch her because I hate him. But it was a good thing I held back though.

"Finally, can you handle the course's fiendishly difficult terrain?" Giulia then asks as she places wooden boards on the side of the fountain, making a track to go up and then down it.

I look at Luca and see that he's nervous. But then he closes his eyes. "Silenzio, Bruno," He says, and then rides to bike towards the fountain.

I then watch nervously as he rides the bike up and onto the side of the fountain very slowly. At this point, I was really scared that he might fall into the fountain, or even get splashed by the water, revealing his true identity.

But before he could make it down, he leans a little bit away from the water, making him fall to the ground and not in the fountain. Worriedly, I run to him, along with Alberto following after, and help him up.

But before we could do anything else, Giulia speaks up.

"Stop. What about you two?" Giulia asked me and Alberto as she points to us. "Can you two swim at least?"

"Yeah, I'm amazingly..." Alberto starts to say, but I nudge him with my elbow, not wanting him to reveal who we truly are. "...bad at swimming," He finishes off as he rubs the spot where I hit him.

Giulia then looks at me, waiting for an answer.

"I can't either. I'm just here to help out so that it could be the three of you," I tell Giulia.

"You can't swim, you can barely ride a bike, and you're just being a manager," Giulia says as she exclaims something in Italian. "I mean, where are you even from?"

"We're not telling you our secrets!" Alberto tells Giulia, but I, on the other hand, think of something to say, and thought of something.

"We're runaways," I say as I cross my arms, making Alberto and Luca look at me confusedly.

"Runaways? I don't know, ragazzi..." Giulia tells us.

"Please? My family was going to send me and Luca somewhere horrible. Away from everything that we love," I plead to Giulia.

"But if we win this race, well, we can be free," Luca then says.

Giulia then looks at Alberto, wondering what he had to say to this.

"My life's great. I'm just helping them out," Alberto tells her as he gestures to us.

"Hmm," Giulia says, deep in thought.

"Just give me one more chance," Luca says as he picks up the bike and sets it up straight.

"No. You guys want it just as bad as I do. You have the hunger. That's the most important thing," Giulia tells us.

"I'm definitely hungry," Alberto says as he pokes his finger in his ear.

"Perfetto! You eat, you bike, I swim, and you help out," Giulia said as she pointed to Alberto, to Luca, to herself, and then me. The three of us then look at each other with a smile and then laugh. "Underdogs?" Giulia then says as she has her hand out to us.

We then walk over and put our hands on top of hers.

"Underdogs," Alberto, Luca, and I say in unison.

"Now we just need money for the entry fee. From my dad," Giulia said, sounding nervous for the last part.

Does her dad really not want her to do that race?

Luca (Alberto x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ