Chapter 22

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Y/n's POV

So, the next day, Luca split up the team and now it's me and Luca in our own team while Giulia was going to race alone. We planned that Luca was going to eat and swim while I do the biking because I feel that I'm better at biking than him, and he agrees.

So now I'm standing near the starting line as I wait for Luca to come with his swimsuit. And as I'm waiting, I see Giulia was looking a little nervous. I then notice, in the corner of my eye, that Ercole was walking towards Ciccio, who was at the starting line, with a huge bottle of oil.

Uh... What is he doing?

"Ciccio, hold still. Olio d'oliva. He will cut through the water like a knife. An oily knife," Ercole tells Giulia as he pours the oil all over Ciccio.

In the corner of my eye, I see Luca walking towards the starting line while wearing a diver suit. I mean, that's the only way t not reveal himself as a sea monster.

"This makes me laugh. I guess even your terrible friends don't want to be friends," Ercole says with a chuckle, making me roll my eyes after what he said.

"Luca! This is a very bad idea!" Giulia yells to Luca, only for Ercole to yell something to him.

"Hey, vagrant! Can't afford a proper swimsuit?" He asks him. This gets me even more annoyed from my spot.

But it didn't look like Luca was offended. And before anything else could happen, Signora Marsigliese speaks.

"Signore e signori, the Portorosso Cup is about to begin! We know there's been a few sightings lately, but fear not! If any sea monsters show up today, we are ready for them," She announces. I then look in the distance in the water and see that there were a few people on their boats with harpoons. I gulp nervously and look at Luca, noticing that he was nervous as well. "Swimmers, take your mark!" Signora Marsigliese then says.

Everyone gets ready and Signora Marsigliese was about to ring the bell to start the race. And after a few seconds, she rings the bell, making the swimmers to run into the water. Luca stayed in his spot, looking a bit nervous. But he then gained his confidence and then put on his helmet and ran into the water.

After a few minutes, I see that Giulia was now in the lead because she was the first one to get out of the water. I look in the distance and see that Ciccio was getting bit by little fishes. It's probably because of the oil.

"Swim, Ciccio! Come on!" I hear Ercole say out loud.

After a few more seconds and when some kids already got out of the water and is already dressed, I see Luca come out of the water. As he was walking towards the table with pasta while taking off his helmet, I see that Ercole had his foot out and tripped Luca.

This caused Luca to drop the helmet as he hit the ground. And for a split second, I saw Luca face, but it was his sea monster face. But he then backs his head in the suit, hiding his sea monster head.

I let out a sigh as he then goes towards the table. He travels underneath it and then sits on a seat with his swimsuit off.

I go behind him to watch him and see him struggling with the fork. He didn't know how to pick up the pasta. He looks at Giulia for help, and she shows him how to pick up the pasta. It looked pretty easy. You just gotta twist the fork.

"Thank you," Luca thanks her.

"Don't thank me," Giulia tells him as she shoves the pasta in her mouth and continues to eat.

After a few more minutes, and when Guido joined in on the eating part because Ciccio took a long time to get back, Giulia was the first one to finish.

"Finito!" Giulia says as she then stands up and goes to her bike. It looked like her stomach was hurting after all that eating.

Ercole soon notices her riding away and then tells Guido to hurry it up.

"Per mille cavoli, Guido! Faster! Eat, idiota! Piu veloce!" Ercole tells Guido as he picks up the last few strands of pasta and shoves it in Guido's mouth.

Is he even allowed to do that?

"He's done!" Ercole then says as he slaps Guido's hand, and then runs to his bike. Once he was on, he rides away. Now it only left me and Luca.

After a few more seconds, Luca finishes.

"Done!" Luca says. I then raise my hand to him and he tags me.

Now it's my time to shine!

I run to my bike and hop on. Without wasting any time, I ride my bike in the direction the other kids rode off to.

As I was riding up hill, I was starting to gain up to the other kids, until I noticed something. Or more like someone. Two to be exact. Two adults, a male and a female, made eye contact with me. But something about them made them look familiar.

They kind of looked like...

"Y/n, stop!" The lady yells to me as she and the guy get in my way.

Huh, she even sounds like-- Wait, that's Aunt Daniela! And that's probably Uncle Lorenzo!

I quickly turn my bike and go ride around them, completely dodging them.

"Sorry, Aunt Daniela and Uncle Lorenzo! But I have to do this!" I tell them.

"Get back here right now!" I heard Uncle Lorenzo yell to me.

But I just ignore their calls and continue to ride uphill. I could tell that I was almost to the top. I past a few kids, and now the only ones I have to pass are Giulia and Ercole.

As I was getting closer to them, I saw Ercole hit Giulia's helmet.

"Oops! Scusa," Ercole tells her as he passes her, only for her to growl.

"I'll catch you on the... downhill!" Giulia tells Ercole as she gags.

I then take this chance and use all of my strength to ride my bike faster. And just as I past Giulia, Ercole speaks.

"Spewlia, you never even made it to the downhill," Ercole says just as I pass him.

I continue to peddle faster, and Ercole notices. Just blocking out everything that was around me, I ride faster and faster than before. Now I was in the lead.

But I was then cut out of my thoughts when I felt something drop on my arm. I look and saw that it was a water drop. I then look up and notice that the sky became cloudy and it was starting to rain.

"Oh, no. Not now," I say to myself as some (1/f/c) scales started to show on my arms.

I quickly look around and find shelter just by a nearby building. I stop my bike underneath it and wipe the water off my arms. I then look back up at the sky.

"Oh, come on. I was so close," I then say to myself.

I can't ride out in the rain like this. I'll be revealed to everyone my true form. What do I do now?

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