Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

Giulia leads us to her house. She then opens the door for us and we go towards the kitchen, which I assume her dad is in.

"All right, just let me do the talking and act casual. He doesn't do well with fear," Giulia tells us as we enter.

Wait, what?

"Hey, Papà! I brought some friends for dinner," Giulia tells her dad, but then I felt an arm stop me from going any forward. I see that it was Alberto who stopped me with his arm out in front of me protectively as he was looking at something. I look in the direction he and Luca were looking at and saw a lot of harpoons on the wall. This causes me to gasp as Giulia continues to talk. "Is there enough for five?"

Giulia's dad then chops a fish on the cardboard, and then looks at the three of us. I get a little nervous and step back a bit. I could tel Luca was nervous, too. But it didn't look like Alberto was nervous because he speaks up.

"What's wrong with you, stu--" I then cover Alberto's mouth, because when Luca said that to the old ladies, they got hit, and I don't want him to get hit.

Wait, am I that worried for him?

Giulia's dad then grunts as he turns back around and chops the fish again, removing the head.

Without really saying much, Alberto, Luca and I sit in a seat that was by the table as Giulia goes to help her dad. This only leaves the three of us to look up at the harpoons with a nervous look.

"What do you think he kills with those?" Alberto whispers to us. But I think Giulia's dad heard because he speaks up just as he chops another fish.

"Anything that swims," He answers, making me gulp nervously. "Hai visto il giornale today?" Giulia's dad then says as he holds up a photo of something.

Giulia then snatches it from him as she lets out a sigh.

"That's photo is a fake, Papà," Giulia says as she walks over to us with the photo and cups of water. "Everyone in Portorosso pretends to believe in sea monsters," Giulia tells us as she puts down the cups and shows us the photo.

I take the photo from her and get a better look at it. It looked like a photo of a sea monster in the water. But the silhouette kinda looked like Alberto. I look at him questioningly. As if he knew what I was thinking, he looks in the direction with an ashamed look on his face. 

"Well, I'm not pretending," Giulia's dad says as he snatches the photo from my grasp and pins it to a wall of other photos of sea monster sightings on a wall with a knife.

The sight of this makes Luca spit out his water, that I didn't even know he was drinking, and spray it all over Alberto's face. I look at him to see that half of his face reveals his sea monster face. I look away, and processed everything that I just saw. My eyes then widen and I quickly grab his face and pull him under the table with a loud thud.

Under the table, I was about to wipe the water off his face, but then heard a grumbling noise. We both look to the side and see a cat just standing there while glaring at us.

Huh, I didn't know they had a cat.

I then focus on why I pulled him down here and start to wipe the water off his face. Once his face was back to his human form, we sit back up on our seats. I then laugh nervously as I noticed that Giulia and her dad were looking at us weirdly.

"Slipped," I said as Luca places his cup back up as we smile innocently at them.

Giulia shrugs and she and her dad goes back to what they were doing.

The three of us let out a sigh in relief, but then soon notice that the cat from earlier was glaring at us while making a growling noise.

I look at it with a nervous look, until Giulia's dad speaks up.

"Dinner's ready. Trenette al pesto," He says as Giulia and her dad places plates filled with food in front of us. Giulia's dad then says something in Italian, and then sits down, making almost everything in the room shake.

I look down at the food and notice that they were long strands. I've never seen any food like this before. I even look at the tool that we have to use to eat it. It looked pretty complicated.

I look to see that Luca was holding the tool, and it didn't look like he knew how to use it. He gulps nervously, probably just as nervous as I am.

In the corner of my eye, I see Alberto pick up his food with his hands, pauses for a moment, and then stuffs it in his mouth. After a few seconds of chewing, it looked as if he immediately loved it.

He then started grabbing more of his food and eat it, making me and Luca look down at ours. Not really thinking that much of it, I pick up my food with my hand and eat. I instantly fell in love with the taste. And so did Luca.

Now the three of us were digging into our food as Giulia an her dad were looking at us weirdly.

"Where did you kids say you were from?" Giulia's dad asks us just as we finished our food that was on our plates. We then look up at him, not really knowing how to respond.

"They're, uh, classmates. From Genova. Luca and, uh..." Giulia started to say, not remembering me and Alberto's name.

"Y/n and Alberto," Luca whispers to Giulia.

"Y/n and Alberto," Giulia repeats to her dad.

"And what brings you to Portorosso?" Giulia's dad then asks.

"Oh. Uh... Funny you should ask. They came for the race," Giulia says as she continues to eat her food.

"The race?" Giulia's dad questions.

"Uh, you know what? Don't worry about it," Giulia told her dad as she finishes up her food.

"'Don't worry about it'?" Her dad then questions.

"Mm-hmm. Don't worry about it," Giulia repeats as she gets our plates and starts to walk off with them to the sink. But she then stops when her dad lets out a sigh and places down his cup.

"Giulietta. A word," He tells his daughter.

I had a feeling that this wasn't going to end well.

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