Chapter One

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Daisy - Resembles innocence and purity.


Athanasia.. where have I heard that name before?

The brunette's dress indicates that we are either in medieval times, somewhere fancy (which I highly doubt), or she just likes feeling proper.

The blubbering brunette kept apologizing to 'Athanasia' over and over. Crying out how she knows Athanasia didn't do it, apologizing for her father's ruthlessness, and how she missed Athanasia terribly.

Then I realized that I was in, "Who Made Me a Princess."

Or something close to it. My friend roped me into it. As far as I was aware, the main character isn't dead.

If I'm Athanasia, but dead, then this girl must be Jennette.

Jennette, from what I remember, was made to be manipulated and twisted. She was made out of black magic, and was a tool to other's success.

But Jennette was also kind. She just wanted a loving family, and offered a smile to anyone in need.

I'm not going to lie, I loved both of the characters. Athanasia was both sweet, quick-witted, and terrifying, while Jennette was sweet, and a moron.

I've always had a thing for manipulated characters. It's just so heart wrenching.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a sharp intake of breath. Focusing on Jennette, she was staring directly at me.

"Uh.." Okay, so she can see me, just not hear or touch me. I raised my hand and waved it.

"Athanasia..?" Jennette whispered.

I tilted my head to the side, as if to say, 'Who are you?'

Her head sank. "Athanasia, it's me, Jennette. Do you not remember me?"

I shook my head. While I know the basics of this world, I don't know everything. And from the looks of it, this isn't the exact same world either.

"Well then.. it's nice to meet you. I'm Jennette." She held out her hand as a way of greeting.

I floated forward and made and attempted to grab her hand, only for it to fail like last time.

"Ah.." I couldn't help but giggle at her dumbfounded expression.

"Well, I guess that doesn't work." Jennette paused to think for a moment. "What can you do?"

Pondering, I lifted my body off the ground. What can I do? Glancing at a nearby tree, I charged full speed at it.

Jennette gasped as I phased through the tree, and came back effortlessly.

"That's so cool!" Jennette squealed. "Can you do anything else?"

I took a moment to think before I charged at Jennette, startling her. As I passed through Jennette, I heard her yelp. Turning around, she was shivering.

"It's so cold!" She exclaimed. I let out a chuckle before floating in front of her once again.

"You really are amazing, Athanasia. Even in the afterlife.." Jennette trailed off.

I made a motion similar to huffing before pointing to the exit of the graveyard.

" you want to leave..?"

I nodded, zooming around in circles.

"..sure. Let's head to the Emerald Palace. My home."

Author's Note : I want to try and get as many chapters out so I can see which days are better for posting on, so expect quite a few posts.

I know it says AthanasiaxLucas in the tags but due to Athy being- dead, it's going to be a slow burn.

I'm sorry it ended in a cliffhanger- I don't have any ideas besides 'Ghost Athy ruins everyone's sense of peace.'

Going with the flow sucks sometimes.

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