Chapter Thirteen

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Marigold represents a feeling of despaired love along with pain/grief. In this case it refers to Jennette.

It does have multiple meanings tho.


In a blink of an eye, Lucas and Athanasia were back in the palace. Copy Athanasia looked towards the two, and smiled.

"Oh, hello! Welcome back."

The copies of the two were approaching, Copy Athanasia looking enthusiastic while Copy Lucas looked bored.

"Hello. Did anything happen while we were gone?"

"No. Not anything I'm aware of anyways."

"Good." Original Lucas waved his hand, and the copies vanished. 

Athanasia sighed. "I'm going to go check on Jennette, alright?"

"Yeah, sure-"

"Lucas!" Bursting down the door, Jennette entered, panting. "There you are!"


"I need to ask an important question!" Running up to Lucas, Jennette grabbed his hands.

"Wha- hey! You can't just grab him like that!"

Lucas flashed Athanasia an appreciative smile, while Jennette simply tilted her head. "Athy, you know I can't understand you.."

Snapping back to attention, the princess turned back to the wizard. "Which brings me to my question! Lucas, how can you hear Athanasia?"

Lucas blinked. "That's odd. We were about to ask you about something we think is related to that."

Jennette gasped. "Ah! Were you?"

Athanasia smiled, while Lucas snorted. "Yes, we were. I noticed something odd about the air around you."


"Mhm." Taking out a world tree stick, Lucas spun it around like a baton. Slamming it onto the ground, he turned back to Jennette. "Impure, to be precise. We were going to ask if we could perform a small test to confirm our suspicions?"

Jennette pursed her lips, before nodding. "Of course."

Snapping his fingers, Jennette, Athanasia, and Lucas were on cool blackstone. There was paper and books littered around, a ton of bookshelves, and a bunch of potions. Like everywhere.

"Sorry about the mess. Someone broke in." Lucas sighed. "I mean, I personally don't mind it, but I think you girls would."

"Ah- no!" Jennette waved her hands around. "I don't mind! It was super messy at the Alpheus Manor, so I don't mind!"

"You repeated 'I don't mind' twice."

"She did."



Lucas waved his hands around, causing a red aura to crackle around the tower. Turning to Jennette, he summoned a needle.

"I'm gonna have to prick you with this. If your blood makes the red turn black, then you are 'impure'. If not then yay! Woohoo! You're fine. Understand?"

Jennette, while a little confused, nodded. A prick, and Jennette's blood dripped down from her hand. Athanasia watched intently as the drop fell to the floor, and the red turned to a pitch black. So thick, Athanasia could barely see Lucas, Jennette, heck, she couldn't see her own hand!

"What is this?" Athanasia could hear Jennette gasp.

"You're made of black magic."

Athanasia blinked. What?


Athanasia couldn't even see Lucas, yet she could feel him rolling his eyes. "It's fine. I can fix it."

"Wait- you can?"

"Yup! Lemme just-"

The fog disappears, leaving Athanasia with a frazzled Jennette and a smirking Lucas.
"I can do anything, afterall. Do you wanna remove the magic now, or-"

"Now, please." Jennette looked on the verge of tears.

Athanasia looked over at Lucas, who smiled. "Welp, then guess it can't be helped. Apologies in advance."

And then Jennette fell to the floor.

Author's Note :
Lucas is a wonderful actor.
I said that Marigold was Jennette because- well- you know.



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