Chapter Twenty-Two

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Blue Orchids tend to represent rarity, uniqueness, beauty, and spirituality. 


"The what?"

"You mean the one with magenta eyes?"

Claude and Lucas spoke simultaneously, the former confused and the latter with a light of recognition in his eyes.

"Yep!" Athanasia bounced happily, ignoring Claude. He was gaping, and looked like a fish.

It was funny. But that's not what we should focus on.

Lucas nodded. "I think I remember seeing her once or twice. She looked super similar to you, I thought you were related."

"I think so too, but she said it's.. complicated?" Athanasia frowned, before smiling again. "She acts like a mother though, so I'm just gonna say she is!"


Lillian York busted in.

Lily took care of Athanasia originally, and Athanasia has talked to her once or twice before. The princess grinned. "Hi Lily!"

"Hello." Lily looked out of breath, but flashed a smile at the ghost nonetheless. Kneeling down in front of Claude and Jennette, she greeted the two.

"Blessings and glory upon the Obelian Empire."

"Hello to you too!" Jennette smiled happily, while Claude simply tilted his head.

"State your business."

"I- I'm not sure if I saw correctly, but I believe I saw the Emperor's former lover, Diana, wandering the Ruby Palace."

Athanasia blinked. "Is that her name? Diana? I've just been calling her fairy."

Claude, once again, looked like a fish out of water while Lily simply smiled. "Yes, dear. That's your mother's name."

"My what-?"

"Anyways." Lily ignored Athanasia, turning back to the emperor. "She seemed sad. I think- I think she wants to see you again."

" be it." Claude stood, looking regal as ever. "Let's search for my dead lover."

Lucas silently snorted, Athanasia giggling.

They weren't aware the king could sound so ridiculous, while looking so serious.

It was funny.


"Um.. miss ghost? I was told your name is Diana! Could you come out please?"

Everyone was split up into groups, to make searching more effective. Since there was an uneven amount of people, one person had to be alone.

The groups were Lucas and Athanasia, Jennette and Ijekiel, Felix and Lily, and Claude.

Claude insisted on being by himself. Athanasia isn't sure why.

Lucas was looking around, occasionally casting a spell when something was.. off.

(He disliked how unclean the palace was.)

"Did the maids not do their job?" Lucas frowned, upset.

Athanasia paused. If she could remember correctly, all the staff hated the original Athanasia. "I think they don't. I can't- I can't recall them ever liking me while alive."

Lucas paused. "Sorry, what?"

"Oh!" Athanasia ignored Lucas, in favor of seeing transparent, blonde hair. Rushing forward, Athanasia turned the corner and slammed into another ghost.

The fairy. Athanasia's mother. Diana.

"Who- oh! Hello there." Diana smiled, patting the younger blonde on the head. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"Hello mom!" Athanasia pretended not to notice how the ghost visibly froze. "Claude misses you!"

They were former lovers. There was no way that Claude couldn't miss Diana.



Lucas came rushing around the corner, out of breath. "Wha-"

"Hi, Lu!" Athanasia waved to the wizard. "Could you revive my mom?"

"Sorry, huh?"

Athanasia turned to Diana. "Ah- sorry. Forgot you haven't really been around. We figured out how to revive someone.. would you like to be revived?"

Diana was silent, for a moment. Athanasia hesitated- did she not want to be revived?

Those thoughts were immediately chased away though. Diana smiling warmly at Athanasia- her daughter.


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