Chapter Twenty-Three

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Zinnia's represent endurance, friendship, daily remembrance, goodness, and lasting affection.


A circle of powder- Athanasia isn't sure what kind, it kind of looks like sand, but gray- was surrounding the ghost of Diana. Everyone was spectating curiously, watching what the magician will do.

Lucas turned to Athanasia, a look of concern on his face. "Ghosty, could you move back a bit? I don't want you to get hurt."

"Ah- of course, of course." Athanasia mumbled. Athanasia floated back a bit, flashing a smile at Lucas.

Lucas grinned in return before opening up a book- the necromancy one that Athanasia found- and reciting something out of it.

The circle began to glow around Diana, the particles rising and creating a new body. Athanasia let out a tiny gasp, as Diana's spirit was sucked into the new body, like a vacuum.

The body was laid gently down on the ground, everyone waiting with bated breath. Would she wake up?

Claude was the first to move. He ran over, kneeling down next to Diana's side. "Diana?"

Fluttering her eyes open, Diana smiled up at her lover. "Sorry for sleeping so long, love."

The emperor's breath hitched, and wow. What a sight.

Claude de Alger Obelia, the one who killed his brother- the crown prince at the time- for power, hesitating to speak or touch a woman.

A woman who bore his child.

"I'm.. sorry."

"You should be." Diana snorted.

Lucas coughed, bringing attention to himself. "This is great and all, but can you move? Ghosty's reanimation process is going to be a bit more grotesque."

"Ah, right. Apologies." Diana smiled, voice weak from disuse.

Claude helped her up, and brought her over to the side. Lucas grimaced.

"Sorry in advance."

Lucas waved his hand, revealing Athanasia's dead body. Her neck snapped in ways that shouldn't be physically possible, maggots crawling out of her skin.

A barrier covered the body- semi-translucent, so the audience can see if they so desire- and Lucas snapped his fingers.

The body then burst into flame, fire dancing along the rotten skin and broken bone.

Diana stood in shock to the side, Claude simply looking away.

Ijekiel held his wife close.

Lucas was frowning. Athanasia figured he disliked the sight.

Lillian was crying into Felix's arms.

Finally, the barrier was lifted. And there sat a pile of ash.

"The smell was bound to be horrid. I don't mind, but I'm pretty sure Ghosty would have disliked it."



"I'm currently a ghost. I can't smell."

Lucas blinked, before flushing up. "Oh- forget I said anything, then."

Athanasia giggled, causing Lucas to glare at her. There was no heat behind his eyes though, simply fondness and adoration.

The magician sighed, waving his hand to rearrange the ash to be in a circle. "Alright, get in."

The ghost, soon to be human, floated into the circle of ash.

"Lucas- how does this work again?"

"Oh, yeah, I should probably explain since the readers don't know how revival works because, again, it hasn't happened in the manhwa or book." Lucas sighed.

Athanasia blinked. "What?"

"Nothing. But uh, basically you're like a phoenix. A very delayed phoenix, but a phoenix nonetheless." Lucas explained. "Your body was cremated just now, and those ashes will create a new body for you. All that's left is shoving your spirit into the new body."

"Ah, alright."

Lucas recited the same lines out of the book, same as before.

Immediately, the feeling of needles prickling at her skin arose.

She was.. Being drowned.

Her lungs, if she had any, were being filled to the brim with water. Enveloping her whole, to the point it felt futile to attempt escape.

"Lucas?" That was all Athanasia could whimper, before blacking out.


When Athanasia woke up, she was in a clearing.

And in front of her was a girl very similar to her, sitting in the middle.


The girl looked up, the brilliant crystal eyes Athanasia held dulled down. Around her neck was a dirty, brown ring. Athanasia blinked, before taking a step forward.

She could pretend all she wanted. She knew who this girl was.

The original. The dead.

Athanasia de Alger Obelia.

"H..ello.." Her voice was hoarse, and strained. The girl attempted to smile, but the corners of her mouth had fallen down into a frown seconds later. "Nice.. to meet.."

Athanasia walked forward, sitting next to the other Athanasia.

Athy, Athanasia deemed to call her.

"Are you okay?"

"" Athy looked close to tears, glancing down at her legs and arms.

Upon closer inspection, Athy was chained to the ground. Instead of the normal, metal chains, she was chained by vines. So thick, not even the sharpest sword could slice through it.

"'s okay. I'll stay with you." Athanasia smiled, making herself a bit more comfortable. "Can I call you Athy, so we don't get confused?"

Athy simply nodded, before sighing. "Free."

"Free?" Athanasia questioned. "You want to be.. Free?"

"Mhm." Athy sighed again. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Family.. Friends. How are they?"

Athy was chained here because of her attachment to her family, to people she considered friends. Athanasia smiled, placing a hand on Athy's shoulder.

"I'll take care of them for you. You can rest easy."

Athy smiled.

"Thank you."


Athanasia opened her eyes.



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