Chapter Eleven

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Chamomile represents humility, wishes coming true, and healing.

That and it's really good in tea. (I love chamomile tea).


"Ugh, this is getting annoyingg." Lucas was face first on the floor, groaning to himself.

"What is?" Athanasia asked.

Pulling his hair, Lucas glanced up at Athanasia. "Ghosty, how would you feel if you were harassed every corner you turned?"


Sitting up, Lucas used his hands to make air quotes. " 'Are the rumors true?' 'Is the princess using black magic?' "

Athanasia made an 'O' with her mouth, while Lucas nodded. "It sucks."

"Why don't you just do a spell to test if it's really there, and remove the black magic if it is? You can do that, right?"

Lucas sighed. "It's not that simple Ghosty. If the magic is there, there is a chance they will die."

Athanasia blinked. Oh.

"Yeah. I can't mess around with this, plus I would need a lot of mana.."

Lucas stopped. "That's it!"

"What's it?"

"Ghosty," Lucas spun around for dramatic effect. "How would you like to go to the world tree?"

The what?

"I normally can't take anyone who isn't a magic user, but since you're- well, dead, it should be fine!" Lucas explained. Snapping his fingers, he grinned. "No one would even know we're gone!"

"Wait, really? You can do that?"

"Of course I can. I can do anything." Lucas huffed.
As if to prove a point, Lucas waved his hand. The shimmer of magic filled the air, summoning two replicas of the pair. Replica Athanasia flew up to the original, grinning.

"Hello, other me!"


Lucas smirked. "Impressed? That's your replacement while we're gone. The only difference is the voice, which no one will notice anyways."

Grinning, Athanasia turned to Lucas. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

And with a snap, the two were gone.

And when they reappeared, Athanasia couldn't help but turn around and gag. She felt sick! How?! She's a ghost!

"You good?"

Athanasia let out a groan.
"Guess not. Don't worry, it'll fade soon. But look."

Turning around, Athanasia gasped, fatigue forgotten. The world tree..

It was beautiful.

Author's Note :
I split this chapter into two.

How are yall doing?

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