Chapter Seventeen

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Aconite, or Wolf's bane, represents misanthropy, a warning and death.


Athanasia had barely reached the royal couple before Felix appeared and dragged them away for an emergency.

And it only took a few minutes for Lucas to show up, out of breath, begging for Athanasia to come with him. To come see her father.


"I know! He was a jerk to you while alive. But please, Athanasia." Lucas was serious. "This is important."

He called the dead princess Athanasia instead of Ghosty? Sometimes he slips up, sure, but Lucas has never really intentionally called Athanasia by her name.

He really must be serious.

"Promise me." Athanasia didn't feel ready, but this is the first time Lucas needed her to do something. "Promise me you won't leave me."

"I promise. Just please, come with me."

Athanasia nodded. Lucas smiled, relieved. Snapping his fingers, the duo were in front of wooden double doors. They seemed so daunting.

Athanasia glanced at the magician. "You better keep your promise."

Lucas nodded. "I wouldn't dare breaking it."

Pushing the doors open, Lucas stepped into the room. Athanasia slowly floated in, hiding behind Lucas. 

Jennette and Ijekiel were chatting with each other, probably wondering why they were standing in the Emperor's office. Felix was standing next to the emperor, also very confused.

"Hello, everyone." Cla- that man started to speak. "Lucas, our royal magician, asked me to call this meeting for reasons he hasn't disclosed yet."

Lucas nodded. "Before we get down to business, I have someone to introduce to you. Many of you might know her."

Stepping to the side, Athanasia was uncovered. Claude stared in shock- why wouldn't he? His daughter, the one he executed, is standing right in front of him.

Cowering, and hiding in fear.

"H..hello, your majesty."

"I needed her here because she knows quite a bit about the situation we're in." Lucas paused. "The black magic jars have been stolen."

Athanasia blinked. What?!

"Black magic jars?"

"Yes. Jennette was made of black magic and was killing you slowly, your majesty. Luckily, Ghosty and I sensed something wrong and checked." Lucas looked over at Athanasia, silently urging her to continue the explanation.

"Oh- uh, yeah. We checked, and upon seeing the black magic, Lu did the equivalent of a surgery on Jennette. He removed the black magic, and captured it in jars." Scratching the back of her head, Athanasia continued. "Lu said that we couldn't expel the black magic, because the chances of there being small bits remaining are high. The black magic would grow back, stronger and deadlier."

"Precisely." Lucas flashed Athanasia a smile, before continuing. "However, like mentioned earlier, the black magic was stolen. Whoever stole it must know what they are doing. So we'll need all hands on deck."

"All hands?" Felix inquired. 

"Yes." Lucas nodded. "We need to revive Athanasia."

Jennette started choking on air, Ijekiel trying to help her, while Felix and Claude stared at the magician in shock. "You want to reanimate my dead daughter's corpse?"

"Daughter my a-"


Jennette, recovering from her choking fit, stood up straight. "Is that even possible?"

“I.. I’m not sure, actually. However, I do believe that with advanced healing magic, like REALLY advanced healing magic, it’s possible.”

Athanasia stared at Lucas, unamused. Really?

Lucas wants to revive Athanasia without even knowing where to start. Brilliant.

Claude, surprisingly, nodded. “Alright then. Let’s reanimate the dead princess.”

Snapping his fingers, Claude addressed the room. “Jennette, help Lucas study for the revival. Ijekiel, Felix, you two will conduct an investigation for the thief. And I shall up the security around the palace.”

Lucas smiled, before turning to Athanasia. “Ghosty, soon enough I won’t call you Ghosty anymore. Soon enough I’ll call you ‘Athy’.”

Author's Note :
Oh boy finally an update?!

Lol this was originally supposed to be from Lucas's perspective but I changed it.

Revival's coming up! Who is the thief??

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