Chapter Five

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Peonies represent romance, prosperity, good fortune, riches, honor, compassion, and a good marriage.


Athanasia wandered through the halls. It's been a week or two since she's arrived at the Emerald Palace, and while there she has managed to cause a ton of mischief by accident.

Thus causing the name, the Haunted Palace.

Floating through the Castle, Athanasia was frowning. Where was Jennette?? Athanasia has searched through most of the palace already. She perked up when she heard a familiar voice.

"Jennette!" Racing forward, Athanasia turned a corner to see Jennette and a maid talking.

"'ll be glorious!" Athanasia heard Jennette exclaim.


Zooming up to her, I zoomed around her as a greeting. "Who's glorious?"
"Oh, hi Athanasia." Jennette turned to Athy. "Isn't it exciting?"
Athanasia blinked. Huh?

Both girls stared at each other for a few seconds, before Jennette gasped. "I completely forgot to tell you!"

Tell me what?

"I'm engaged! We're due to wed tomorrow! I'm just making final touches."

Oh. That makes sense.

"Come on! I wanna show you everything!"

Jennette started walking off, the deceased princess trailing behind her.

"Oh, where too first?" Jennette pondered. "I know! I'll show you the dress!"

Now walking faster, Jennette headed toward where the dress was kept.

Her room.

How did Jennette manage to keep this all a secret? I'm in her room the whole time.

Opening up the double doors, she pulled the dress out of her closet. Athanasia couldn't help but gasp.

The dress was beautiful. The main base was a satin, pearl white. Sewn along the sides was satin roses, lined with Pearl's. A layer of silk covered half of the dress, giving it volume. The corset was a beautiful white, the sash a baby blue.

To put it short, it was breath taking.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Jennette exclaimed excitedly. Athy nodded excitedly.

"Ahh!" Jennette sighed. "Ijekiel will be stunned!"

Athanasia couldn't help but pause. Ijekiel?

Jennette blinked before face palming. "I keep forgetting you don't know these people. He's my fiance!"

Oh. "He must be very lucky!"

Jennette sighed dreamily. Opening her eyes, Athanasia could see the love and admiration in her eyes. "He's such a gentleman too!"

Athanasia just floated there, listening to Jennette swoon. While Athy happened to be excited for Jennette, she really didn't care about the wedding. It was all beautiful and all, but Athanasia was worried.

Jennette is the emperor's daughter. Meaning Claude was going to be there.

Jennette is also getting married publicly, from what she gathered from her monologue.

And finally, Jennette is a princess. Meaning, if not everyone, most of the kingdom will be there.

Meaning there was a high chance she would be spotted, and Jennette's wedding would be ruined.

As Jennette metaphorically dragged Athanasia around, Athy could barely focus. The yellow tulips, cake, decor..

It all just made Athanasia worry more.

She didn't want to ruin Jennette's special day.

So she decided.

Like a creep, she would watch from a tree.

??? POV :
I can't believe it.

The chimera had a lover?


And as the chimera rambled on, the ghost looked more and more terrified.

Maybe this is my chance.

It's time to meet the ghost.

Author's Note :
This is what I imagine the dress would look like.

I drew it myself- eee

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