Chapter Two

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Black roses represent sorrow, danger, revenge and death.


Athanasia looked up in awe at the Emerald Palace. The name alone suggests it was big, but she was thinking of something way smaller. Jennette really lived in this place?

All alone?

"We're here." The coach announced.

"Thank you for your service." Jennette politely replied. Turning to the entrance, she started to walk. As soon as everyone was out of earshot, she began to speak.

"This is the Emerald Palace. It's where all princesses reside. Unfortunately, it hasn't been touched in a while, until me."

I tilted my head to the side. Did I not reside here?

As if understanding my question, Jennette frowned. "The emperor disliked you."

Ah. If memory serves correctly, Claude was a jerk. My friend kept ranting about how he hated him sometimes, other times crying about something sad.

I can't quite remember what.

I was so focused I didn't even realize Jennette had turned and entered the garden. Struggling to catch up, I flew right by her and into a tree.

Ironically, this turned out to be a good thing.

"Jennette." A new voice was speaking. Turning, a flurry of emotions entered my chest.

Claude de Alger Obelia. The emperor, known for slaughter. His cruel and unforgiving gaze, and most importantly...

His dislike for me.

"Yes, father?" Jennette responded with forced happiness. She seemed off around him.

"Come. Let us have tea."

"Of course, father."

Grabbing Jennette's hand, he led her over to a secluded place in the garden. I floated behind, not too far to the point where I can't see them, but not too close so Claude doesn't spot me.

"Bring it over." Claude commanded. A maid wheeled a cart full of sweets over to a table, both of them sitting down.

Something inside me snapped. I don't quite know why, as I don't know much about this man.


"Where were you, Jennette?"


"I was visiting Athanasia's grave."


"That waste of space? She poisoned you."


"Father, she didn't!"
Something wet was streaming down my face. They weren't quite tears, but close to them. After yelling my emotions out, the turmoil in my chest lessened a bit. I sat there and sobbed, for a man I don't know.

??? POV :

I was strolling past the garden when I heard the scream.


Gazing over to the sound, I was curious. I didn't recognize the voice. As I walked closer, I heard the voice scream more and more insults, before breaking down into sobs. Peeking out from behind a tree, I was astounded to see a ghost.

A girl with blonde hair was sobbing on the ground, in front of his Majesty, Claude, and his Chimera of a daughter, Jennette.
Did they not see her?

I kept watching the ghost and couldn't help but let out a tiny gasp when she raised her head.

Jewelled eyes, belonging to the royal family.

This girl was dead royalty.

I tended to keep myself separated from society, people are troublesome. But the fact that I missed out on a royal dying?

This was big news indeed.

Turning back to the shadows, I warped away.

Author's Note : The person that reincarnated into Athy wasn't screaming those things. That was her subconcious.

Impatience is great.

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