Chapter Eight

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Daffodils represent rebirth and hope.

TW : Panic Attack (kinda?), Mention of Bile/Vomit

"Jennette, what are these rumors I've been hearing about?"

"What rumors?"

Athanasia was listening in to Jennette and Claude's conversation. Parked in a tree, Athanasia tilted her head to the side. What rumors?

" 'The Haunted Emerald Palace.' I've heard whispers of it around my own palace, Felix keeps looking around for 'the eyes.' "


"Ah, well.." Jennette paused to think. "I'm not sure."

"Really? Felix keeps mentioning your name when referring to, 'the eyes.' "

Athanasia looked over to the father-daughter duo. The latter looked terrified, the former curious.

"I've just been.. learning to appreciate the things about the palace!" Jennette laughed nervously. "Ijekiel and I's former estate wasn't that grand, haha."

Athanasia stared down Jennette, listening as she rambled on and onto her father about whatever the princess could think of. The flowers, weather, Ijekiel (ew), that kind of stuff.

Jennette paused to breathe, looking over at her dumbfounded father. "Is there anything interesting happening to you?"

The king thought for a bit, before snapping his fingers. "A man approached and asked to have an audition with me. He was skilled in magic apparently, and wished to become the royal wizard."


"What does this man look like?" Jennette inquired.

"He's taller than you, with ebony black hair and ruby eyes."

Athanasia stiffened. That description was exactly like the man she saw that night.

"Anything else?" Jennette pressed. "Surely other things have happened, haven't they?"

"People are spreading rumor after rumor about you being made of black magic." Jennette's expression instantly fell to something somber, serious even. "At this point, we may not be able to contain it. All we can do for now is keep a good image."

"I thought you didn't care about that type of stuff?" 

"Not usually. But black magic is practically suicide for the royal family."

“..can we swap topics, please?” Jennette said quietly. Claude's expression softened for a split second, before hardening again.

"The person in the trees has yet to be found. I think that man is just crazy." Claude let out a sigh. "We interrogated him, trying to figure out who this person is. All he said was, 'crystal blue eyes.' ”

Jennette flinched. "I thought only the royal family had those?"

"Exactly why we think he's mad."

"..what if he's not?"

Athanasia shot up as Jennette mentioned that. What was she doing?

"What do you mean?"

"What if it's an imposter, or perhaps a ghost?" Jennette added a lot of emphasis to the last word.

"Please. That isn't possible."

"But magic is?"


Athanasia was having the equivalent of a panic attack, in a tree. Jennette was trying to reveal Athanasia to Claude.

She wasn't ready.

Flying off, Athanasia landed in the middle of a secluded area, and sat down.

She's not ready.


Athanasia's train of thought was interrupted by a grunt, along with a…. colorful vocabulary.

"Of course, I can never relax, you always gotta mess up somehow, Lucas." Glancing upwards, both parties froze.

The man.

When she had saw him the first time, she wasn't able to see him properly due to the darkness outside. But now?

He looks like Claude.

The panic started rising in Athanasia's chest, the feeling of bile climbing up her throat. Thing is, she doesn't really HAVE a throat so she was just suffocating, something that Claude might do to her-

"Hey!" A snap in front of her face. Looking up, the man was in front of her. "Are you okay?"

Athanasia paced her breaths, before nodding. "Yeah, I'm good. I feel like I'm gonna vomit though."

"Well that isn't good." Athanasia's gaze shot up, realizing that the man actually heard her. "Could you tell me what's wrong?"

"I-I'm sorry.." Athanasia desperately tried to keep her breathing under control. Glancing down at the ground, she continued. "You just- look so much like him."


"His majesty. Claude de Alger Obelia."

"Is this better?"

Head shooting up, the man's appearance changed. Suddenly, he was around the same age as Athanasia.

"It is.. thank you."

"No problem." Standing up, the man- boy? looked Athanasia in the eye. "What's your name? I think I've heard it before, but I want to make sure."

"Athanasia." Floating upward, Athanasia tilted her head to the side. "What's your name?"

"Lucas. You can call me Lucas."

Author's Note :
Since Lucas is here and formally introduced, his POV will no longer be in the chapters.

Lucas was angry at the times he almost talked to Athy, but couldn't.

So he decided to just- become the royal wizard to interact with her.

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