Chapter Six

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Yellow tulips have two meaning. Unrequited, or unanswered love, and happiness and joy.
We are focusing on Unrequited Love, mainly because it's funny.


The bells were chiming, doves flying through the air. Parked in a tree, Athanasia was watching in awe.

The whole kingdom was there, waiting eagerly for the bride to appear. The groom, Athanasia assumed it to be Ijekiel, was fiddling with his suit. He was nervous.

Athanasia took her time to look at the food table. At that moment, she wished she were alive. A whole entire feast was laid out, and the piece that topped it all off was the cake. It was 7 layers tall, decorated with velvety white frosting. Mini figures of the bride and groom were made in fondant, flower petals surrounding them.

Yellow tulips decked out the whole area. It made the area seem happier.

She had seen this all yesterday of course, but that didn't stop it from being beautiful.

Hearing the orchestra start, Athanasia looked back toward the aisle. A little flower girl was skipping along the path, laying out peony petals, while the bride followed.

Arms linked with her father, Jennette looked like a true princess at that moment. Athanasia couldn't help but feel a bit of envy in her chest.

The perfect father-daughter combo.

Once Jennette reached the altar, the priest cleared his throat.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite this couple in holy matrimony." Jennette smiled at her fiance, while the priest continued. 

It was all the basic stuff Athanasia had heard from her last life. Promises of loyalty, happiness and devotion.
And finally, that unnecessary part, if people objected. Despite what most people believed, it wasn't for someone who didn't like the couple, it was to use this moment to prove either the bride or groom was a bad person/addict/criminal/etc.

"Now, does anyone object?"

"I do!" Two people stood up, causing a ripple of shock to go through the crowd. This was going to be good.

"...state your reasons for your objection."

The first guy exclaimed, "Yellow tulips are the flower for unrequited love, and rejection!"

Jennette blinked. "Is it? I just thought they looked nice."

"O-Oh.." the first guy looked flustered. "Nevermind, then."

"Now, what is your reasoning?"

The second guy stood up proudly. "I have reason to believe that the bride, Jennette de Alger Obelia, is made of black magic!"

"What?" Athanasia gasped.

"Plot twist, right?"

"It is!" Athanasia paused.



Spinning to her side, Athanasia gasped. A beautiful woman, no, fairy, was next to her observing the wedding. The fairy was watching the wedding intently, causing Athanasia to do the same.

"How dare you accuse my daughter of such anarchy?!" Claude stood up angrily. "Guards! Seize him!"

"He still hasn't changed… and that's not even his daughter!" The fairy huffed. Athanasia wondered what the fairy could have meant.

As the guy was dragged, Athanasia accidentally made eye contact with him "You! In the tree! Help me!"

If Athanasia could go pale, she would've.

"There's someone in the trees? Guards! Search the trees!"
Jennette made contact with Athanasia as she flew away, eyes brimmed with tears.

Athanasia learned a lot of information she wasn't supposed to today.

??? POV :
I'm not going to lie, I was impressed. The decor was extravagant.

I was sitting next to the tree the ghost was in, so he could listen and meet the ghost.

As the wedding proceeded, they got to the part. "Now, does anyone object?"

"I do!" Two people stood. This was going to be amusing.

The first guy's excuse was stupid. Something about flower symbolism.

The second guy was interesting. He claimed the bride was made of black magic.

Which was true, but he didn't expect anyone to know.

"What?" He heard the ghost gasp.
"Plot twist, right?" Now that was new. Glancing over, he balked.
The two ghosts looked so similar.
Both had golden, wavy hair, along with the same facial features.

The only difference was the eyes. The glaringly obvious eyes.
The new ghost had neon pink eyes, to the point where they almost glowed.

The girl had the royal's eyes. A mystery he has yet to solve.

Predictably, the guy was getting dragged off before he yelled, "You! In the tree! Help me!"


He didn't get to meet the ghost.

Cursing, he warped away.

Author's Note :
Don't worry they still got married lol.

Athanasia has met the 'fairy', or Diana!

Diana follows Claude around.

Mystery Person has yet to be formally introduced.

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