Chapter Fourteen

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Asclepias milkweed symbolizes remembrance, dignity, and freedom.


"JENNETTE! Lucas, what did you do?!"

Lucas shrugged. "I had to knock her out." 

Jennette was out cold on the floor. Athanasia flew up to her before frowning.

"If I couldn't hear her light breathing, I'd assume she died."

"Mm." Snapping his fingers, Jennette started to glow, before levitating in the air. Turning to Athanasia, Lucas smiled. "Don't worry. She's fine. But it's time to extract the black magic."

Lucas turned and started to casually stroll towards a door, picking up a few jars off the floor with his magic. Athy hesitated for a moment before flying after him.

"So.." Athanasia paused. "How does this work?"

"It's essentially magical surgery. I open up Jennette's heart and pull the black magic out. I store it in the jars, and then place the magic from the world tree branch into her."

"I see."

"Yup. I had to explain a bit, since this never happened in the original manhwa or story. The viewers wouldn't have understood how this works."

"Wait, what?"


Opening up the door, Athanasia watched as Jennette's body floated over to a table before laying itself down. Walking over to the table, Lucas placed the jars down.

Athanasia gasped as she watched a black cloud appear over Jennette's heart. Lucas held the world tree branch, transforming it into pure magic. The magic appeared as a milky white substance, glittering and swirling around in Lucas's hand. Snapping his fingers, the magic glided to the side and out of the way.

Lucas turned to Athanasia. "Black magic cannot be fully removed if the person is made of black magic. The little bit leftover can regrow, and become even more deadly. So, it must be stored."

Picking up a jar, Lucas turned toward the cloud before grabbing it and forcefully shoving it into it's new glass prison. Jennette's face started to pale, her breathing starting to shallow.

"Lucas?! Is she going to die?!"

"No, Ghosty." The pearlescent magic flew forward. "Pop quiz. Do you remember why I needed the world tree branch?"

Athanasia narrowed her eyes, trying to remember. Snapping her fingers, Athanasia grinned. "To replace the black magic!"

"Correct." The magic swirled for a moment before entering Jennette's chest. The color returned to the princess's face, her breathing returned to normal. Lucas sighed. "She'll wake up in a bit."

Athanasia flew over, hovering above Jennette's face. "So she'll be able to hear me?"

"If the procedure went correctly, yep. And it should've been done correctly, considering I did it."

Athanasia snorted. Still cocky as always.

Turning towards Jennette, Athanasia sighed. She'd be able to talk to Jennette.

Jennette blinked, slowly opening her eyes. "Athanasia?"

"Hello, Jennette."

"I.. can hear you."


"I feel so light."

"I'd figure."

Tears beaded in Jennette's crystal eyes. "It's so nice to hear your voice."

"This is great and all," Lucas interrupted. "But we've been away for quite a while. It wouldn't matter if it were just me and Ghosty, but you're a princess."

"Ah! That's right." Jennette stood up. "Let's head back."

"Wait a moment." Lucas held up a bracelet. "This'll make you immune to black magic." 

"Oh, thank you." 

Athanasia blinked. A bracelet?
She would be a bit jealous, since Jennette wasn't even Lucas's friend and she's getting gifts, but not only is the bracelet made for protection but Athanasia is dead and cannot wear jewelry.

"Let's head back to the palace."
Snapping his fingers, the pair were in the palace. Athanasia gagged. So it didn't affect her last time, but it did now?!

"Jennette!" Athanasia watched as Ijekiel and Claude ran over, engulfing the princess in a hug.
A sharp intake of breath. Turning to the side, Lucas's eyes were widened. Shaking his head, he turned and started walking down the hallway. Athanasia tilted her head, before flying after the raven haired boy.

"Lucas? What's wrong?"

Rubbing his head, Lucas grumbled. "I didn't notice before because of Jennette's black magic, but the emperor has black magic in him as well. How did I not notice?!"


"Yep." Lucas sighed, staring upwards at the ceiling. "Claude's black magic was so insignificant compared to Jennette's, so I didn't even realize. I just figured any black magic that radiated from him was because of Jennette, but now that Jennette's black magic is gone it looks like a problem."

"Are you going to have to perform another magic surgery?"

"No, too lazy for that. I'm gonna have to convince the emperor to let me bonk him in the head with a magic stick." Lucas summoned another world tree stick. "I'm gonna need a shit ton of luck to do that."

Author's Note :

I completely made up the Lucas Surgery thing that is NOT based on the manhwa or story.

The jar black magic thing will be relevant later I promise

Lucas had to break the fourth wall.

And guess what? Athanasia's revival and the confession IS coming up soon! But it won't be the end of the story. The revival and stuff is necessary for plot.

Thanks for reading!

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