The Finale

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Diana gazes down at the flowers she once adored, woefully.


Everyone is ready.

The main contributors to this project have been running around, cursing and screaming at each other.

Despite their attempts to keep morale up, the stakes are high, and the air is tense.

If we fail, this is it. Athanasia glances over at her partner, Lucas. If we fail, everyone in this kingdom will suffer.

It feels like yesterday, when Lucas had brought her to that flower field.

"Bring him in," Claude commands. Diana is at his side while Felix stands rigidly next to the two.

Athanasia gazes onto the double door as it slowly opens, watching as Anastacius walks in.

"Blessings and glory to the Obelian Sun, or however it goes." The man's stance is relaxed, an easy smile on his face. "But I suppose you know how this is going to go now, huh?"

Claude stands, drawing his sword. "You will either admit to your crimes and face life in jail or plead innocent and die at my blade."

The man snorts. "Oh, how cruel."

Lucas's gaze hardens, a sharp intake of air silently being heard. Athanasia glances over questioningly, when-

"I was hoping I didn't have to resort to this." The man muses. A jar is pulled out from his coat, and Anastacius slowly uncaps it. "But it appears you will not yield."

There's a terrifying scream as the tainted magic thrashes violently in Anastacius's hands. The man looks down at it flippantly as everyone in the room stands on guard. "Bon Appetit."

Opening his mouth, Athanasia can only watch in horror as Anastacius holds the wriggling magic still and dropping it down his throat.

You could hear a pin drop as Anastacius chews and swallows, a feral smirk taking over his face.

"It's over, my dearest brother." The monster in front of them mocks. "You and I both know the potency of the magic in dear little Jennette, right?"

Claude snarls. "You dare disrespect my daughter like this?"

Anastacius smiles. "I said nothing about the ditzy blonde right there, what do you mean?"

Lucas readies his magic, a cold mask of indifference on his face. "Watch it."

And Athanasia-

She observes.

The black magic in Jennette was potent, yes.

But it also killed everything around her, including herself.

If he had just ingested it, without any prior immunities to it-

Athanasia smiles.


If she's right, Anastacius only has 5 minutes left.

"I don't quite get why you're referring to my sister like this." Athanasia questions as innocently as possible, ignoring the look of desperation Lucas sent her. "Do you know something we don't?"

All she needs to do is stall.

Make him run his mouth, since he loves the sound of his own voice so much.

Felix hisses as Anastacius approaches Athanasia, holding her chin with two fingers and forcing the princess to look up at the man. "Do you sincerely not know?"

Athanasia widens her eyes and does her best to look like the 'ditzy princess' she was called. "No, did something happen to Jennette?"

Anastacius snorts, before bursting out into manic laughter. "You don't know! Oh, how- how precious."

An evil, evil man with an evil plan.

Athanasia watches it crumble.

"Brother of mine, do you sincerely not remember? Do you not remember the way I seduced your wife? You sincerely think that cursed child is yours??"

"Not by blood," is how Claude answers. "I am quite evidently not the best father. However, it is clear that you're not any more suited to that role compared to me."

Anastacius cackles. "I doubt you realize how little your words affect me!"


"It's hilarious that you think I believe I'm suited to the role of father."


"Pah!" The man laughs. "It's pathetic! You and your stupid little family are pathetic!"


"May the god's strike me down if you truly believe that these girls are your family."

Athanasia grins.

Anastacius chokes.

"Wha- aCK!?" The revived man, back from the grave, falls to his knees as he coughs out a lung, wisps of black escaping his mouth.

He gasps and chokes, as the black magic wiggles it's way out of his throat.

It's over.


A/N :

OKAY HI. I'm sorry to leave this on like- idk, a cliffhanger? What does this count as? But I left the wmmap fandom a while ago and therefore lost a lot of motivation to keep writing. But since this was my first work, like ever- I figured I needed to try and finish it. I'm sorry if it's lacking, but I just couldn't accept leaving it unfinished.

Thank you for sticking with me through this, and I hope anyone who reads this has a wonderful day. :)


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