Chapter 4

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"BoRinG~" Killua whined for no one in particular while washing his teeth. He had woken up at 6am to be on time, and he was tired. Even though Killua had woken up earlier than that to workout and do other stuff, his mind and body knew that this day he was waking up earlier not to do things he liked, if not... for school. A terrifying word for Killua, because he knew it would be boring, and troublesome. He would be obligated to talk to other people, and make friends that weren't Gon... or their other friends...

"bORinG~" he continued whining while walking to school. Killua then checked his watch. 'It is almost 7.30am, I would be late for school...' he thought for a second, stopping. 'nah' Killua shrugged, entering a store to buy some chocolate for school.

At 7.35am, not even that late, Killua found the school and now is currently walking to his class 1A. 'I will tell the teacher that It was the bird's fault that I arrived late,' He thought while taking a feather from his hair. On the way to school, Killua was attacked, even worse, his whole life and meaning was at risk. Those 2 birds were trying to grab the chocolate from his hands. He fought with everything, protecting his precious chocolate from getting snatched. That fight would leave psychological issues... it was a traumatic experience... he almost lost his meaning of living, besides protecting his sister of course. It is not necessary to say that those 2 birds are now dead.

When he found the door he opened, thinking that not everyone would arrive on time. Well, he was wrong. 'Lucky me... I am the center of attention... yay.' Killua thought sarcastically and very uncomfortable with all the eyes directed to him. "Hey..." he said, everyone still looking. 'Why are they still looking... what did I do?' he thought, his anxiety levels increasing. He is not very social, and disgusted people overall. "It was the birds fault okay!" He said in a rush, however, managing to stay blank all the time, not revealing a single emotion through his face, but by his voice it was noticeable the annoyance. "You are late Zoldyck '' a weird man that appeared to be homeless said. 'Not shit Sherlock...' he thought, rolling his eyes and taking the only seat behind a green haired boy (Mineta isn't in this class). 'Gon...' he thought while looking at the hair of the boy, he missed his friends and sister. It has been a year since he left, are they even looking for him? What are they doing to his sister? He wasn't useful, he was a disgrace... he wasn't able to protect her and be there as he promised. Killua knew he needed to go back. He wanted to know if she was okay (he wanted to go and kill his horrible brother, make his life a living hell as he did to him all those years). The weird man that Killua now identifies as his teacher, Aizawa, looked at him with judging eyes before turning to the class and telling everyone to change to the sports clothes that were in his sleeping bag.

'I didn't even know that the style of clothing in this school could get worse' he thought while looking at the t-shirt his teacher had given to all the class in disgust.

"Good morning my fellow classmate!" A tall guy with glasses said, making Killua turn. "I MUST say that it is very inappropriate to arrive late on the first day of class! You have to correct that if you want to be a UA student." He continued, moving his hands like a robot. "I am Tenya Iida by the way! Nice to meet you" he finished extending his hand. Killua just looked at his hand, and straight to his eyes. Killua's cold eyes meet iida's. They looked at each other for 5 seconds, creating a very uncomfortable environment. When Killua decided it was enough, he rolled his eyes and started to change.

Iida couldn't stay silent, that was a very rude way to act! "At least may you tell me your name-" "Haven't you heard the teacher?" He said, not letting iida finish. "My name is Killua Zoldyck. Now that you know it, go annoy someone else" Killua ended the conversation walking to a place to change without being seen, Iida stood there incomplete shock. 'Such rude classmate' he thought.





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