𝒐𝒏𝒆. first day back

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chapter one
first day back


WAKING UP HAS NEVER BEEN FOR ME, especially on school days. It seems like such a chore, and like I'm setting myself up for defeat. I can hear my phone alarm rattling my bedside table but I ignore it, staring up at my ceiling in annoyance.

Two hands start to shake my body and I snap back into reality, my plans smacking against the person waking me.

"Wake the fuck up," Jacob grumbles, "You're gonna be late, again. On the first day of time."

"I am awake, and have been for the last half hour." I spit, ushering him off me and sliding out of bed only to see he is already in his school uniform, "Shit. I didn't know you were being serious about me being late. What time is it?"

"I don't know, but I do know that I am going to be late as well now so, thank you." He spins on his heel, pulling open my bedroom door and marching out, "I'll see you there."

I run both hands over my face, letting a loud groan pass my lips. Great another day of being late. I start to slip on my uniform, loosening my tie slightly, allowing me to breath and pull my shirt out from the bottom of my jumper, making it more comfortable. I sort my hair out so it looks better compared to my bed head. Then I slip on a few rings, and a necklace that Cory had gifted me a few Christmas' ago.

I jog down the stairs and look up at the kitchen clock. It's fifteen minutes past nine. School started at 8:40. My eyes widen and I cure quietly, pulling my bag over my shoulders before snatching an apple from the fruit bowl for my breakfast.

I step out of the door, not bothering to rush. The punishment for being an hour late, and fifteen minutes late, is the same thing. It barely makes a difference at this point. Sure, it's the first day of term and I'm supposed to be making a good impression for the new years, but all of that is the least of my concerns.

Letting a yawn pass my lips, I walk up to the main doors, noticing Miss Keane stood in reception, her hands on her hips while she watches me enter. Oh, here we go.

"Late as always, Peyton," She rolls her eyes, "We could do with less behaviour marks from you this year, you know, because of the mixing schools thing."

I purse my lips and shrug, sending her a bright smirk, "I can't promise anything, Miss."

"I know you can't. I wasn't expecting you too," She pats my shoulder before begging her way up the stairs.

Miss Bird calls my name, clicking her fingers to catch my full attention and I turn her way, sending her a gentle smile, "Peyton, Miss Carter would like to see you in her office, please." She tells me, nodding her head behind her to the headmistresses office.

"Okay, thanks Miss." I hum, trudging down the hallway.

I push the door open lazily, entering the office I'm all to familiar with and coming to a slow stop when I notice a unknown man stood beside Miss Carter. I eye him up and down for a moment before sliding into the seat by the desk, dropping my bag roughly to the side, not caring for the few items inside.

"So," I breath in, repositioning myself in the chair, "What is this about then?" I raise an eyebrow, lifting a finger to point at the man, "And who is that?"

"Peyton," Miss Carter nods, sending me a warm smile, "This is Mr Nawaz. He's the school's sponsor."

I gape at her in confusion for a moment before swallowing, nodding slowly as if I understand why that has anything to do with me.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now