14 : Trouble

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I meet Cory outside of Candice's house.

"Look, Pey-"

I hold my hand up, "No, don't. Let's just get this over with."

"Okay." He mumbles, putting his hands into his pockets.

I walk past him and up to the door, knocking on it a few times. He stands beside him, biting his lip and staring at the door-knocker.

"It'll be fine." I nudge him, a weak smile on my face.

He nods, taking a deep breath. The door swings open, revealing Candice with Jamie in her arms. She steps out, glancing at me for a second then looking at Cory.

"You alright?" She asks.

"I-" Cory begins but he just smiles when Jamie burps.

There are a few minutes of silence until Cory looks over to me, the stress evident on his face. I nod my head towards Jamie and he bit his lip, knowing what I meant.

He reaches his hands out and Candice passes Jamie over to him, a look of confusion on her face. She glances at me and I shrug while smiling.

"Sh, it's okay." Cory soothes while rubbing Jamie's back gently.

God. They both look so cute.

"I'm gonna go..." I mumble, squeezing past Cory and onto the pavement.

"See you at school, yeah?" He says, speaking as softly as possible.

I nod my head and run to school, trying not to overthink.

I meet up with Nas and she hugs me from the side. I had told her about Cory being the dad of Jamie last night, so she knew the whole situation.

"You speak to him?"


"Why not?"

"He seemed perfect with Jamie in his arms, I didn't wanna ruin it." I shrug.

Missy and Hayley run over. Hayley jumps into Nazia's arm while Missy hugs the both of us.

"I got her back." She squeals.

"Good thing too. Couldn't deal with a missy you for much longer." I joke while we watch Nazia and Hayley take a selfie.

"Oi." She giggles.

"Come 'ere, you two." Nas laughs at the two best friends in-front of us.

They both run into us and we have a group hug, each of us laughing our heads off.


We sit on the sofa on the dumpster, Nas and Missy have their legs over mine while we pass the bottle of cider around.

"I can't believe they still haven't got rid of this." Missy talks about the skip.

"Yeahhh. It's the council, innit. My Mum's dead mad about it." Nas rolls her eyes.

"We gonna get in trouble for skiving?" Missy smirks.

I take the bottle from her hands, taking a massive swig of it, "They got enough going on. They aren't gonna notice ussss."

Missy's head snaps to me, "Not gonna not- Not gonna notice us? Peyton. We're always noticed."

Nas and I burst out laughing as she puts on a pakistani accent.

"We are always gonna be noticed! Take note Ackley Bridge! Note us!" She yells before gagging, "I'm actually gonna be sick."

"Oh, no. Missy, don't, please." Nas grimaces.

"Missy, don't!"

She giggles and snatches the bottle from my hand, "We're gonna get in so much-"

"-trouble!" We all shout at the same time before laughing harder.

I am not forgetting this moment ever.


Missy and Nas called me to come drink with them after they had bought cider. I jog down the street to them, only to see them both in niqabs.

"Why are wearing those?" I ask as I slip between them.

Nas hands me a bottle of cider, "It's the only way to get alcohol. Don't worry, we paid."

Missy giggles and I nod, "I'm sure you did."

We turn the corner to see Jordan on the floor beside his bike. I groan as the girls walk over to him, taking the money that was beside him.

"You actual idiots." I growl as they run past me.

"Oi! My money!" Jordan yells and his eyes fall on me, "Peyton?"

"Oh shit." I swear and run after my two best friends.

I have no idea where they are so I run into Mr Quereshi's wedding, pretending I'm a daughter of one of the quests, I'm smart.. I know.

"Miss Keane, hey!" I smile tapping her on the shoulder.

She turns away from Mr Simpson, "Peyton? What are you doing 'ere?"

"I was invited." I lie.

"Okay." She says, lazily before wandering off.

"Peyton, get out, please." Mr Quereshi grumbles from beside me.

I hold my heart, "Rude."

He holds his hand out and we do our handshake. He then nods, telling me to leave. I roll my eyes and walk back outside. Breathing in the nice fresh air.


I lean on the wall beside Missy.

"Why did you steal his money?"

She puts a finger to my lips, "Sh. We never did anythingggg."

I nod, "Sure you didn't. I totally didn't see it all."

She shrugs, "We never did anything."

Nas walks over, hand in hand with Naveed - her boyfriend. They whisper to each other for a second before full on making it out. In front of everyone.

See, Naveed is gay and Nasreen is lesbian. They are only doing this so they can get off with different people once they're married. Smart.

"Holy fuckkkk." I chuckle.

Cory runs over cheering, his friends following him. He glances over at me for a second before focusing back on Naveed and Nas, who are still macking.

"Pey, come 'ere." Cory hisses once they finally finish.

I roll my shoulders back before following him into an empty hallway.

"Hey." I say, my eyes searching his face so I know what he's feeling.

"Hey." He rocks back and forth on his heels with his hands in his pockets, "Are we still dating?"

I bite my lip, "If you want."

"What do you want?"

"I think we should still date. Possible, try and forget about the fucked up things in life."

He steps closer, "It's hard to forget about things that are constantly there."

I chuckle, "I know but... we can try."

He sticks out his pinky, "Promise me you'll try."

I smile and interlock our fingers, "To trying!"


this is a shit chapter, i apologise

also thank you for 900+ reads <3

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now