8 : Nana

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We get to Leeds on the train and Nas is overly excited, which is a good thing. She needs to experience a bit of freedom.

The two hyper girls run in front of me, smiling their faces off as we make it across the street. While I walk quickly behind them, my hands dig in the denim jacket pockets. I hate dresses and I feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Hurry up, Peyton." Missy stops for a second before looping her arm in mine and pulling me along.

"I'm freezing." I grumble.

"Ugh, stop complaining." Missy giggles.

Nas wobbles on her heels as we finally reached the front of the club.

"I'm not sure about this, guys." She whispers.

"We're not in Ackley Bridge now, ladies. We can be whoever we want."

We trot down a side alley to the back door. We squeeze past the gay couple making out as Missy nudges Nas, liking the look of the place already.

In the main room, upstairs where the party is, it's busy. Flashing lights and drunk people dancing. Nas takes my hand as Missy leads us through the crowd.

We lean against the bar while Missy dances along with everyone else.

"She looks like she's enjoying her self." I smile.

"It's nice to see."

Missy stumbles over, her shoulders still moving up and down to the music.

"Come on then, Nas. Who do you fancy?" She winks as we turn to face the people.

Wow. There is a lot of people in here.

"I need some fresh air." I breath quietly, making my way outside into the alley again.

It's way too hot in there with all the people, I don't really fancy going back in so I pull out my phone.

Missy 🤍

I'm off for a walk round. Too hot in there.

You and Nas have fun x

aw alright babes

see you soon xxx

I wander round aimlessly, trying to ignore the cat calls and creepy guys, who I pass. I decide upon going back home on the train, leaving the two girls to do their thing. I text Missy before getting on the earliest train back.

I get home and thankfully everyone in the household is either asleep or passed out. I tiptoe up the stairs before roughly pushing my door open and immediately falling flat on my bed , well not my bed - somebody.

The person groans, pushing me off them to the other side of the bed. I flick on my bed side table light before looking back, it's Cory.

"Cory, what the fuck are you doing here?" I whisper.

He rubs his eyes, telling me that he had been asleep.

I sigh, "Did you need a place to crash?"

"No. I came here to see you in your dress as seen as Missy didn't send me a picture." He smirks, rolling over so he was on top of me, his hands either side of my head on the mattress to hold himself up.

"Well, here it is." I point down at my body and his eyes trail to my stomach.

He pushes himself back so he's standing by the foot of the bed.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now