𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓. mishap

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chapter four


I lean on Missy's kitchen counter next to Nas while Hayley and her sister attempt to look for their Nan's missing 80 quid. I watch with an amused look, trying not to laugh at the old woman's anger.

"It's your mother to blame!" Nana waves her finger around, "She's been in here again!"

"You sure you didn't loose it?" Missy asks, throwing things around, "What were you doing with 80 quid anyway?"

"For bingo." She sighs, shrugging, "I'm ringing the police."

At that I rush forward, snatching the phone from her hand and slowly placing it back down on the stand.

I glance at her, "Give us an hour, Nana." I say softly.

Nas hums in agreement, "If we haven't got your money back, then we'll go to police together, okay?"

Nana huffs, "Okay."

The three of us step into the kitchen together, while Hayley attempts to distract Nana with the TV.

"What do we do?" Missy asks.

"Find your Mum, innit." Nas says.

I open the door and once they're through, I leave as well, shutting it gently behind me. It's pitch black outside, and freezing while I walk between my two best friends.

"Can someone say something?" I grumble, shoving my hands into my pockets, "If I don't die from the cold, I'm going to throw myself in front of a moving car because of how awkward this is."

"I get that I were out of order, you know, with Cory and that." Missy sighs, crosses her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, too right." Nas agrees and I nod.

"Fine, hate me, both of ya." She throws her arms up into the air, "I don't care. Nas, I came round to yours to apologise, ya know, but forget it."

"Right, we'll find your Mum, and then you both can stay out of my life!" Nas raises her voice.

"That's a bit extreme." I say, gritting my teeth.

"Hey, girlsss." A old guy shouts, from an open window of his car as he slowly rolls past, "Looking good!"

Letting out shrill surprised scrams, Missy and Nas run ahead but I just calmly turn and flick him off, "Fuck off, pervert!" I yell before joining the two girls to go up the stairs to Missy's mums apartment.

Missy knocks repeatedly, but still no answer. I go to knock harder but the door is pulled open, revealing her Simone, causing my hand to drop back to my side.

"You came!" She squeals, before grabbing Missy's arm and dragging her away.

I look at Nas and we both shrug before following them in, shutting the door carefully behind us. The apartment is dirty, not a kids bedroom dirty, more like a prison cell dirty. It stinks of every disgusting smell possible, and rubbish is littered all over.

"My daughter came!" Simone says towards a guy, who's slumped on a destroyed couch.

"You alright?" He smiles creepily, then he spots Nas and I, "Who are they?"

"This is Peyton and this is Nas." Simone squeezes my arm gently, and I step away slowly, not wanting to be bluntly rude, "Missy's best friends in the world."

"Mum! You stole Nana's bingo money!" Missy says, not being tricked by her mum's nice act.

"I didn't." She shakes her head defiantly.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now