20 : Lovey-Dovey

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We ended running back to the school, knowing that at some point sir would catch up to us.

"You lil' bastards." Mr Bell pants.

Cory and I smirk at each other, doing a secrete high five behind our backs.

"Why did you leave school?" Mr Bell stands up straight.

"I have no clue why." I shrug.

"Neither." Cory says.

"Isolation. The both of ya."

"Oh! Come on, sir. Pleaseee." I throw my head back.

"Peyton, just go, please. Otherwise I'll put you in Miss Keane's lesson."

I shake my head, "No. I'm fine. Isolation is cool."

He laughs, "That's what I thought. Go. Actually, Cory, come with me. You two aren't being in the same iso room."

I pout, stopping at the bottom of the stairs, "Pwease, sir."

He glares at me, "Peyton, do as your told and go."

"Okay, dad."

"Yeah, Peyton. Do as your told." Cory mocks and I flick him off quickly before running into the school, not giving Mr Bell enough time to tell me off.

"Ah, shit." I swear under my breath as I walk into isolation.

Miss Keane is doing it. I don't have anything against her, just the way she looks at me if is slightly annoying. Her whole mode around me has changed since I punched Chloe - she's basically disowned me, which is understandable.

She passes me my science work and a pen before telling me to sit in the booth beside a year 10 boy, who's staring at me.

"Quit staring." I grumble, taking the pen-lid off and doodling on the sheet.

"Why you in here?" He asks, continuing to stare.

"What does it have to do with you?" I raise an eyebrow, not taking my eyes off my paper.

"I just wanna know. I threw a pen at a teacher."

"Where was it supposed to go?"


"Where were you aiming for? No one would throw a pen at a teacher on purpose."

He smirks, "I was aiming for him."

"Which teacher?" I peer at him through my eyebrows.

"Mr Bell."

I tilt my head, "What did he do that made you throw the pen?"

"Shout at me."

"He does hate Year 10s." I nod, "Him shouting at you is a pathetic excuse and a measly brag."

His face drops slightly, "What's your reason then?"

I sigh, "Just shut up."

"Peyton!" Miss Keane shouts, "Be quiet! Stop distracting Harry!"

I stand up angrily, my chair falling back and hitting the floor.

Deep breaths, Peyton.



"He was speaking to me. Trying to brag and look hard." I snarl.

She stands up slowly, "Peyton, calm down. Just sit and get on with your work."

"You not even gonna tell him off?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I didn't see him do anything."

I throw my arms up, "Course you didn't. Because it's always me who has to get told off."

"I'll go retrieve Mr Quereshi because you cannot be acting like this." She waltzes out the room and I let out a loud groan while running my fingers through my hair.

"You alright there?"

I turn to him, "Shut up, Harry."

"Peyton." Mr Quereshi says calmly, standing in the door way, "Come on."

I take my science sheet because it has a nice doodle on it and I want to keep it.

"I'll have your work, please." Miss Keane holds her hand out while sitting down.

"No." I snap.


She's cut off when Mr Quereshi looks at her, basically saying 'you're not helping.'

We leave the classroom and I ram my fist into the wall twice, a bit of the plaster falls off.

"Woah. Woah. Woah." He stands in front of me before I get to punch a third time, "Let's not do that."

I look down at my knuckles, a couple of them bleeding.


"You can punch well." He chuckles, leading me to the nurses office.

I shrug, "Yeah, I guess."

"Peyton, it's okay for people to annoy you. It's completely normal."

I sigh as he hands me a bit of bandage, "I know, I know. You've given me this talk a million times before."

"Because I'm your anger management teacher. You were getting so much better with your anger, what happened?"

"Home sucks." I grumble.

"I can relate. Do you want me to go get Cory? He's usually the best at fully calming you down?"

I nod as I continue to wrap my knuckles, "Thanks, sir. You're a right gem."

He rolls his eyes before leaving, "Don't get too cocky."

A few minutes later, Cory walks in by himself.

"What the fuck happened?" He holds my hand, inspecting my knuckles.

"I punched a wall. I'm fine though, so don't worry."

"What made you punch it?"

"Miss Keane." I grumble.

He whistles, "You had 'er for iso?"

"Yes. I know, it's unlucky. I should of taken Mr Bell's request."

"What'd she do?"

"Piss me off."

"Everyone does that."

"But it's her, so she extra pissed me off."

"Y'know, you might regret saying this when your older. You might think, 'oh shit, what miss keane taught me was really useful.' "

I snort, smacking my uninjured hand over my mouth, "I doubt it. The only teachers who have taught me anything useful so far in school are Mr Quereshi, Mr Bell and Miss Carter."

His eyes widen, "Ignoring Mr Hyatt. How rude of you!"

"He's just taught me how to cut a cow's heart open with tiny knives. When am I gonna need that when I'm older?"

"What do you wanna be when you get out of this shit hole?" He strokes my hand gently.

I sigh, "I don't know. But I do know that it won't have owt to do with dissecting a cow's fucking heart."

Cory leans forward, resting his forehead on mine, "Fuck, I love you."

My eyebrows furrow slightly, "I love you too."

"Everything about you is just so, ugh-" He does a french kiss with his fingers, "-gorgeous."

I cup his face with my free hand, "Where is this coming from?"

He shakes his head, moving away from me slightly, "I have no clue."

"You were getting all lovey-dovey." I tease, pecking his lips.

He rolls his eyes, "Nah."



this is kinda short, sorry.

i might not update in a bit.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now