𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆. kiss

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chapter five


We pass Cory, who's sat patiently waiting in Reception with his foot tapping and his palms rubbing on his trousers. Once he notices me and Mr Bell, he is quick to stand up and slide beside me as we walk through the school.

"What did she say?" He asks curiously.

I clench my jaw, mumbling out, "I have isolation for three days straight."

"What?" Cory's jaw drops and he gawks at me for a moment before flicking his attention to Mr Bell, "Sir, that's a bit extreme."

Mr Bell shakes his head, shrugging, "I know but I can't do anything. I'm just a teacher, Cory. Mr Nawaz is the school sponsor, he's important. I'm not."

I pat his shoulder jokingly and pout up at him jokingly as I tease, "Don't say that, sir. I think you're important."

He rolls his eyes, pushing open the isolation door. Like usual, I walk to the chair furthest from the door and sit down, throwing my mostly empty bag to the floor, the few contents sounding a small thud.

"See you later, Pey." Cory waves, his head sticking through the door while Mr Bell waits to close it, "I'll see you at the end of the day."

I nod at him, sending him a soft smile before Mr Bell shuts the door, sitting at his desk. He reaches over and hands me some sheets to complete, along with a black biro pen as seen as the single pen in my bag ran out last year.

Half an hour in, I spin in my chair slightly and rest my back against the far wall as I move my gaze to Mr Bell. "Sir, do you think me Mum will ever stop drinking?" I ask, throwing the pen up in the air then catching it.

He seems slightly taken back by the sudden question. It's not exactly a very common thing for students to open up to their teachers, especially about such a sensitive topic.

Slowly, he raises his head from his computer and pauses his typing. "I'm not sure." He answers quietly, trying to say the correct thing, "I've never met your Mum. As seen as she doesn't come to parents evening."

"She thinks they are a waste of time because I misbehave too much. Which I know, I do. But, she also pushes it all on Jacob when he only wants to do well." I explain, "Did he got an after school detention yesterday?" I sigh, "I think it's because of everything at home. Too much stress. I'm presuming Miss Carter told ya about what Mum did to him." The chuckle I release is a solely painfully one. I raise my hand to stop him from speaking when I see his mouth open to reply, "Sir, don't bother giving me sympathy. It doesn't help anyone. I wish it did because I get loads."

Suddenly, Missy pushes open the door, sticking her head through. She sends me a quick smile before turning her attention to Mr Bell, "Can I borrow Peyton, sir? I promise it's for something good." She asks in her typical loud cocky voice.

"Missy-" Mr Bell glares at the blond hanging through the doorway.

"Sir, it must be important," I speak up quickly, "Please."

He groans loudly, before waving me towards the door, "Go on then," He watches as I rush out and he yells after me, "You better come back!"

After sending him a rushed thumbs up, the door slams closed behind me, and I notice Missy and Nas smiling giddily while they lean on the hallway door.

Narrowing my eyes in confusion, I ask, "What? Why are you both smirking like that?"

"Nas likes Miss Sharif," Missy giggles, bouncing up and down.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now