25 : Tosser

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Today was the day of Mr Quereshi's 'memorial' at the school. They were just planting a tree to commiserate.

Cory intertwined our fingers while we stood outside with the rest of the school, waiting for the tree to arrive.

"I'm freezing." I mumble, digging my free hand into my blazer pocket.

"Then you should wear a coat." He rolls his eyes.

"I could do that." I look up at him, "But I won't."

"Didn't think so." He chuckles.

"Peyton." Missy hisses and my head snaps to her in confusion, "Come 'ere."

"Go." Cory pushes me gently, "I'll be stood with Dan."

I smile up at him before going over to Missy and Nas, squeezing between them and interlocking our arms.

"You two friends again?" I look between them.

"You could say so." Nas mutters, combing her hair with her fingers.

"So can we talk about me now?" Missy asks.

I laugh, "What's happened?"

"It's Aaron." She sighs.

"What's he done?" Nas' eyebrows furrow, getting worried.

"He said he loved me, didn't he?" Missy snarls, annoyed by the fact.

Nas and I both erupt into laughter, backing away slightly to look at her. Everyone turns to us and we quieten down.

I raise my hand, waving it around, "Sorry. Go back to what you were doing."

"Missy, that's amazing." Nas squeals quietly.

"No, it's not." She shakes her head, "We were getting on great then he goes and ruins it."

I throw my head back, chuckling, "How is that ruining it? It's just him proving that he loves you."

She grimaces, "No."

"Oh, honestly, Missy. You're crazy." Nas rolls her eyes.

"Alright!" Miss Carter shouts, grabbing our attention, "Listen, I'm afraid we're going to have to postpone the tree-planting."

The whole school groans and I separate away from the girls and push roughly through the crowd.

"Why, Miss?" I ask but she ignores me.

"So, we've been standing out in the cold for nothing then?" Zain tilts his head.

"Oh, for fucks sake, Zain. Do you ever stop complaining?" I glare at him before turning back to Miss, only to see that she's gone.

Right, okay.


Nas and I left science only to see Alya and Missy having a squabble.

"Finally. Someone other than me fighting her." I mutter and Nas chuckles, moving us closer.

"If Riz says owt else about my sister, it won't just be his neck he has to worry about." Missy shouts.

"You tell her, Missy!" Dan cheers.

Her head snaps to him angrily, "You can shut your face an' all. Make you feel like the big man, does it? Talking trash about my sister!"

"Missy, what's happened?" I ask.

"Riz has been shooting his mouth off about our Hayley." Missy tells me.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now