23 : Tackle

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Cory, Naveed, Riz and I walk into school in a row, each of us holding a coke can that we picked up from the corner shop on the way.

"Last night was fun and all but I have a massive hang over and all I drank was fucking cider." I groan, rubbing my eyes.

"Well, you did have two bottles of cider. Riz's and yours." Cory laughs.

"It's not funny. I'm fucked up."

We walk through the reception doors, only to be stopped by Mr Bell.

"Hello, sir." I mumble, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"The four musketeers." He rolls his eyes at us before looking just at Cory and I, "Why weren't you two at rugby practice this morning?"

I cough awkwardly, rubbing my eyes once again, "Something came up, sir."

Cory nods, "Yeah, what Pey said."

"Something came up, right. Well, I've organised a training session for this Thursday after school. Mate of mine's a scout, he's come to see you."

Cory's face brightens and Riz tilts his head in confusion.

"Is that for all of us, sir?" He questions.

"Yeah.. course. This is a good chance for you all."

"Sure, sir, sure." I roll my eyes and we walk past him, he calls back Cory so I stand at the door, waiting.

After a short chat Cory trudges over, several different emotions displayed on his face.

"You're worried about ya dad, aren't you?" I say, grabbing his hand to stop him come going up the stairs.

He turns slowly, nodding, "Yeah."

"Just focus on the scout. You're the best player on the team, don't tell Riz I said that but you're. I think you're amazing, everyone does." I smile.

He moves his hand up to my face, cupping my cheeks and pulling me into a kiss.

"Oi, lovebirds! Stop snogging and get to class!" Mr Bell shouts.

I smirk and pull away to look at him, "Okay, okay. Calm yourself, sir. We're going."

"I love you." Cory whispers, pecking my head.

"I love you too."


"Sir's going for deputy head." I say while Cory grabs something from his locker, "Can you believe that? Mr Bell as fucking deputy."

"He's your favourite teacher and your talking smack about him." Cory rolls his eyes.

"Yeahhhhh. Whatever." I grumble as we make our way over to Jordan.

"You alright?" Cory tilts his head at his brothers

"I'm fine." He hands him a plastic bag.

"Alright, you three, you ready for the game later?" Miss Carter walks over, her heels clicking on the floor.

"Barely ready." I mutter.

"What's in the bag?" She asks, giving each of us her teacher glare.

"Nothing." Jordan answers.

"Won't mind me having a look then, will you?" She takes the bag, pulling it open.

It's just clothes.

"Disappointed, miss?" Jordan says, "What were you expecting? A bloody knife? Bag of drugs?"

"Dad kicked him out." Cory blurts, fiddling with my hand.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now