21 : Moody

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The next day, Miss Carter called us into an 'emergency' assembly. We all shoved our way into the hall before taking our seats. Sadly, Cory and I are sat on opposite sides because Mr Bell wants me to sit next to him in case I run off again, even though that's extremely unlikely.

"Many of you knew Mr Quereshi very well," Miss Carter looks straight at me for a second, "And for the those of you that didn't, you will have heard your fellow students and friends talking about him."

What the fuck is going on?

"And what they would've told you is that... if they ever had a problem, Mr Quereshi's door was always open to them and that no matter where he was meant to be... he would always take the time to sit and to listen to them."

She pauses for a moment, taking in a deep breath, "We've lost a, uh, a much loved member of our school community."

My mouth drops open and I quickly stand up and walk away, raking my hands through my hair. I sit down on a bench outside, staring at the floor in front of me. Cory jogs over, kneeling down in front of me while taking my hands in his.

"He's dead." I mumble more to myself than any one else.

"Pey, I'm so sorry." Cory says calmly, biting his lip while staring into my teary eyes.

"We weren't even close. He just cared, unlike most other people."

Cory moves round and sits beside me, pulling me into his chest and kissing my head.

"I care. Jacob cares. Miss Carter cares. Mr Bell cares. Missy cares. Nas cares," He sighs, "The list goes on."

"I'm fucked from here on." I choke out in anger.


I look up and he nods, knowing not to ask too may questions while I'm in this mixed state.

"Peyton? Are you okay, sweetheart?" Mia Carter walked onto the playground.

I shake my head slowly, "Truthfully, no."

"Come 'ere." She holds her arms out wide.

I tap Cory's knee gently before walking over to her. She pulls me into a motherly-hug.

I move away after a minute, "Thanks, Miss."

Cory walks over, wrapping his arm around my waist.

Miss Carter smiles gently at him for a second, "Peyton, you can have the rest of the day off, if you wish."

"I have no one to go home to. Mum's still gone."

"You do know, if she doesn't come back you and Jacob will-"

"I know. Jake and I will be out in foster care. I got it." I bite my lip anxiously before walking past her and back into school.

I'm sat between Cory and Riz during Mr Hyatt's science lesson about hearts. I cross my arms on the desk, resting my head on top of them.

Riz throws a couple of leaves from the plant in front of us at my head, one of them falling down between my arms and into my eyesight.

"Cheer up, moaning myrtle." Naveed laughs from beside Riz.

"I'm not moaning." I grumble, lifting my head up.

"You're being grouchy Gary." Cory smirks, tapping my thigh.

I roll my eyes at him before raising my hand.

Mr Hyatt stops mid sentence to turn to me, "Yes, Miss Evershed?"

"Can I move next to Nas?" I bite my cheeks to hold in my laugh.

"That's actually so rude." Riz mumbles.

"The audacity that you have." Naveed whispers.

"How dare you!" Cory hisses, holding his heart, "I thought you loved me."

"Of course, Peyton. As long as you actually concentrate."

I nod while sitting down beside Nas, "I will, sir."

"You alright?" Nas raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah. I'm good. What about you and your dating app?" I wink.

"It's going really well," She smiles, "I've found someone and she's proper sweet."

"Where's she from?" I ask.

"Pakistan." She squeals and I chuckle at her excitement.

"Sir." Abdul calls out.


"Would you die straight away if you got stabbed in the heart?"

"Yes, Abdul. I think it would be an almost spontaneous death."

"My dad said that the pavement outside of Mr Quereshi's house was covered in blood." Abdul tells everyone.

"Zain said it was like a red blanket." Dan adds.

"Fucking hell." I mutter under my breath while standing up, smoothly slinging my bag onto my shoulders.

"Must of his an artery." Shannon shrugs.

"Of course it hit a fucking artery." I bellow, while walking to the door, "If it didn't he wouldn't be dead."

"Peyton.." Cory stands up slowly.

I open the door, "No. No, Cory. It's fine. Stay here, please."

I walk into reception, biting my finger nails and fiddling with my rings. Miss Bird glances at me for a second before nodding, letting me leave.

"Peyton." Alya pants, fixing her hijab slightly.

I turn to her slowly, "What do you want?"

"I thought I should tell you that- that-"

"Spit it out." I groan.

"I paid your bills."

She did what?

I furrow my eyebrows, "You did what?"

"I heard you speaking briefly to Cory about how you have rent to pay. So I talked to Jacob and paid them for you." She smiles, slightly smug.

I step forward, my fists clenched, "We don't need help from anyone, especially not you and your well-off family.We aren't a fucking charity case."

"I was being kind." She swallows, slowly moving backwards as I near.

"No one asked you to do that, so why did you? You hate me and I hate you!" I scoff before raising my voice, "Or did you just do it for your image? So everyone at Ackley fucking Bridge knows how caring you are!"

"No, not at all. Peyton, you should be grateful."

"Thank you so much, Alya. I love you so much, let's be the best friends." I snarl sarcastically, throwing my arms up in the air.

"You needed help, so I gave it to you."

"I had it handled. We didn't need you to give us your pity money."

"You didn't have it handled."

I run a hand over my face before walking away and just before I leave the gates, I turn to her, flicking her off.

"Fuck you, Nawaz."

Another short chapter but the next one is my favourite :)

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now