16 : Baby

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"I'm off to Cory's." I grumble.

Jacob wipes a hand over his face, "Why?"

"I need to sort something out with him."

"We need to sort this out." He holds the letters up.

I walk to the kitchen door and turn before leaving.

"When are the payments due?"

"Two week."

I nod slowly, "We can get it sorted in two weeks, I promise. Just- just let me do this first."


I go out the door and start running to Cory's house. I knock on the door a few times until it's pulled open.

"Peyton?" Cory asks, running a hand through his messy hair.

"That's my name." I shiver, "Can I come in?"

"Sure." He moves out the way, allowing me to squeeze past.

We make our way into his room, staying silent until we are sat on the bed opposite each other.

"I came to speak to you." I sigh, "What you said about Nas was shitty."

He gulps, "I know. It was banter. We didn't mean for it to escalate into something more. We- I never meant to hurt anyone, especially you."

I bite my lip, "It's okay, Cory. Just watch your words next time, pleaseee."

"I will." He lays down on his side, still facing me.

"How's Jamie?"

"Good. Good."

I lay beside him, "You looked like a proper dad when you held him."

He chuckles, "Yeah. Why did you leave in such a hurry?"

"Didn't wanna ruin the family moment." I shrug.

"I wouldn't call us a family." He mumbles, shuffling closer to me and resting his head on my chest.

"You sure looked like one." I smile, "You looked cute with him."

"I always look cute."

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I apologise. You looked cuter with him."

"Mmhm. That's the right answer." He yawns quietly.

I gently play with the twirls in his hair, wrapping them round my finger, making them mor curly while he snores into my chest.


I'm stood beside Cory outside school waiting for someone, presumably Jordan but I have no clue.

"It's freezing." I wrap my arms around his waist under his blazer while he rests his hands on my hips.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Mr Bell shouts.

I lift my head from Cory's chest to roll my eyes at him.

"Don't be jealous just because our relationship is better than yours!" I retort jokingly and he walks away chuckling.

"Peyton." Miss Carter calls out and I walk over to her.

"Rings and necklace, please. Also tuck your shirt in." She smiles, holding out a basket.

"Nope. There is no way in hell that I am giving you my rings and my necklace. I'll tuck my shirt in but my jewellery stays on me." I mutter, tucking my shirt in.

"Peyton, please. We are aiming for a neater looking school."

"You can barely even see my necklace if I it shove down behind my shirt. And my rings don't matter to anyone but me." I wink before slipping past her.

I walk into the quad to see Jordan and Cory arguing. Fantastic.

"Oh, yeah. Cause you're such a roll model. Eh? Getting banged up over Christmas doing a dealers dirty work." Cory snarls.

Jordan runs at him, wrapping his arms round Cory's torso and shoving him around. Cory continues to shout stupid things that no one can quite make out.

"Stop." I run forward and pull Jordan away before shoving Cory's chest back.

"Calm down, Cory." I say as Jordan charges at him again.

This time Mr Bell holds him back while Mr Simpson stands beside me, watching Cory.

"YOU'RE JUST LIKE DAD!" Cory roars.

"Cory, don't." I say and he calms down slightly, his nostrils still flared while he watches Jordan, "Cory, look at me."

His eyes reach mine and his whole body relaxes and he wipes a hand over his face angrily before we go and meet up with the others.

All of us are leaning on the wall, waiting for the bell to ring so we can go to lessons.

"Did Miss Carter not tell you to take your rings off?" Naveed asks.

I shake my head, "She mentioned it but I told her I wouldn't."

"Why not? You might look sweeter." He teases.

I slap his arm, "I am already sweet. Ask anyone."

"I'll ask Cory," He whispers. "I'm sure he knows if you're sweet or not."

I grimace, "Gross."

"Thanks for coming round to see ya son yesterday " Candice comes up and smiles at Cory.

"Hey, I didn't know you were a Dad." Naveed says, shocked.

"Is is Peyton's?" Riz asks as Candice walks away.

"Why the fuck would it be my kid?" I purse my lips while we walk down the corridor.

"I don't know." He shrugs.

"I would never let Cory get me pregnant - not while we're still teenagers."

Cory smirks, "So you think we'll have kids together in the future."

"No. I don't think we will for definite. I think we might."

Naveed snorts and bites his lip in an attempt to hide his laugh. I look at him and he bursts out laughing.

"You two have a weird relationship."

"Tell me about it. We've gotta deal with this shit for the next year." Riz grumbles.


This is super short. Sorryyyy

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now