17 : Brothers

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"We need your help." Jordan and Cory say in unison while they stand on my doorstep.

Now, we are running round a field with a bed sheet trying to catch alpacas because Jordan owes money to several people.

"This is such a dumb fucking idea." I yell, rolling on the floor after jumping and missing.

"How much are these things worth again, Jord?" Cory shouts.

"At least a thousand." Jordan skids over and wipes me out by accident.

"Jordan, you muppet." I laugh, standing up and pulling him with me.

It starts raining and each of us are covered in mud and water from head to toe. The white sheet is no longer white - more of a browny black colour.

Finally, we catch two and walk them all the way to the market. Cory had the dumb idea of selling them to the butchers. I tried to tell him it was stupid but both of them ignored me.

The butcher's on the phone, talking o someone while staring straight at us.

"Do you think he's talking to the farmer?" Jordan asks.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "He is probably talking to the school."

"Why would he be doing that?" Cory raises an eyebrow.

"We have our school uniform on and we are trying to sell him two alpacas. He doesn't even sell fucking alpaca meat." I snarl.

"Shit. That's a fair point." Cory nods, "Come on, let's go."

I walk away first, with them dragging the alpacas behind.

"Hurry up." I hiss.

We run out the market while laughing and fussing over the alpacas.

"We made it." Cory throws his head back.

Him and Cory hug and I just roll my eyes at their soppiness before jogging off
again, them joining me soon after.

Jordan and I walk into school, extremely late. Cory had already left us, not wanting to get in trouble. Mr Bell appears and we stop, knowing we are in deep shit.

"Oi, the both of ya. You're late." He states and looks at the trail of moody foot prints that we've left, "What is this?"

"Well, you see, Sir. It's hard to explain." I say while walking onto the playground where the alpacas are tied to a bench.

Mr Bell's mouth hangs open when he sees them and I bite my cheeks, holding in laugh.

"What the f." He tenses his jaw, walking closer.

Jordan and I stand beside them while he laughs and shakes his head, not believing what he's seeing.

"Trust it to be you two." He laughs and walks away.

Jordan and I slowly turn to each other, shocked that he didn't get mad. We smile and high-five it each other.

"Return them!" Mr Bell shouts from the door of the school.

We give him a thumbs up before untying the alpacas and walking them out.

We returned them and a day later, I'm sat in Miss Carter's office so she can lecture me about the alpacas.

"I would be talking to your Mum right now as well but she won't pick up any of the calls."

"Surprise. Surprise." I purse my lips.

"Just don't do anything dumb like this again because we'll be forced to expel you."

"What? That's a bit extreme. I haven't even done anything that bad. It's not like I've killed anyone." I snap, tensing my fists.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now