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They stayed in the diner longer than planned, Aurora had to play with the puppy first for good luck and at the moment Charlie didn’t mind, he allowed her to play with it for a while before noticing that the first period must’ve already started.

“Aurora, we’re gonna have to leave, you can play with it later, but you need to get to school.” To get her to stop playing with it, he shooed it away, scaring the small pup into the woods that was in front of the diner.

“Papa.” Aurora whined, but she stood up from the ground, brushing whatever dirt off her skirt, “can we take him home?” She tried spotting the small thing one last time before she got into the cruiser.

“No,” He glanced over to see her sad eyes, “maybe, I’ll think about it.” He cursed himself out, he didn’t want to take the dog in, he really didn’t, but maybe Aurora would like the company. She didn’t seem to like big dogs anyways and she was already really attached to the puppy.

“Promise you’ll think about it,” She stuck her pinky out, “you said you’ll think about it before, and it’s been months since then.” She pointed out something he wished she’d forget, he had hoped she forgot but apparently she didn’t.

“I truly do promise this time.” He smiled, though on the inside he was frowning, he really did have to think about this time, and whatever answer he might give might either make or break Aurora’s heart.

“But, do remember to tell me about your first day at school.” He needed to know everything, he was told that the Cullens wouldn’t have any classes with Aurora, but he wouldn’t be sure if they’ll leave her alone if they ever were to see her.

“I will!” She bounced around in her seat, she was nervous before but that seemed to have changed as they pulled into the Forks Highschool parking lot.

“Need me to come in with you?” He was running a little late to the station, but everyone there knew he was taking Aurora to school so they were covering for him until he could arrive.

“I-If it’s not too much trouble.” She blushed, “I’m excited but I also don’t know where the main office is.” She played with her fingers, Charlie did nothing but nod, grabbing her bag to carry while he took her to the main office, it felt like a wave of deja vu washed over him though when he stepped through the front doors of the school and walked towards the office, he missed his younger days forsure but he wouldn’t dare wish to go back.

“I also won’t be able to get you, so Jacob has offered to come get you after school.” He hoped she wouldn’t mind, he’ll be able to come get her on some days, but on those days he couldn’t Jacob would.

“That's great!” She giggled, “I haven’t had a chance to see Jacob for a while.” She frowned, he would usually be upset that his daughter was so invested in a boy, but he didn’t mind the fact that Jacob was the person she was interested in, he was over the moon it was some boy that he could trust and not one of the Cullen boys. He would allow a relationship between those two, but any other boy he would chase away. They both walked into the office, the lady at the desk smiling at the pair that walked in.

“Oh my god, Charlie is this her?” She faked a gasp, “She’s so gorgeous just like you said!” She teased Aurora, pinching at her cheeks as the girl blushed and chuckled at the showcase of affection.

“This is her Shelly, my daughter Aurora Swan.” He laughed, “did you doubt me when I told you she was beautiful.” They both teased, but Shelly really was surprised. Charlie had told her that Bella was beautiful but this girl obviously surpassed that, she just thought he meant average looking, but who was she to talk anyways, she wasn’t exactly a hot shot either while she’s at this age.

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