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“Oh, Papa, I had so much fun!” Aurora bounced in her seat, “we went shopping and Jakie got me these cute clothes and accessories!” Though Charlie had given her money for her little shopping trip, Jacob had still paid for everything which awed Angela, and challenged Ben who also began paying for everything Angela wanted.

The girls weren’t bothered by it, well Aurora wasn’t, not really paying attention to anything other than the new stuff she never had seen before, Jacob had paid for everything she picked up and examined with love, while Agnela chased around Ben to stop him from doing the same, a little embarrassed but thought it was sweet nonetheless.

“Did you know?” Charlie frowned, maybe he should go out with Aurora since she loves it so much, Bella wasn’t one for shopping and neither was Charlie but the look of excitement on Aurora’s face made him think it wouldn’t be so bad if she would smile as brightly as she is now.

“Yeah, I wished Papa was there.” She didn’t like being away from the man so long, despite her knowing he was busy with work, she felt restless when he wasn’t around, maybe she was thankful for him taking care of her and scared he might leave her, or maybe she thought this was a dream and every second she is away from Charlie she feels like she’ll be ripped back to her old home. She didn’t know, but she did like the presence of the older man.

“I’ll come next time.” He had Sunday’s off, maybe he’ll plan a little father daughter day for just the two of them, “did y'all eat dinner?” He ate a little but he didn’t mind stopping at the diner for a little more food if Aurora was hungry.

“No, can we go to the diner?” She smiled, she enjoyed that place, it was comfy and played relaxing music.

“Yeah Aurora, same thing as always?” He grinned, her favorite dinner meal on the weekends was Burger and fries, and the weekdays being chicken alfredo and a little bit of his steak.

“Yeah! But no mustard or tomatoes on my burger this time.” She grimaced at the two sour options, she didn’t think she'd taste it much, but she was surprised when the two overpowered her taste buds and almost left her choking.

“Got it.” Charlie chuckled, she wasn’t picky but she made it clear mustard and tomatoes were a big no, no.


“So they eat here everyday?” Richard grimace, “doesn't her mother know how to cook?” He frowned, he couldn’t stand eating at diners, they were dirty, and the people that worked there looked and acted even nastier.

“No mother,” Leo frowned, “Charlie Swan isn’t married.” He didn’t think too much of it, he heard that his wife split because she wanted something different within their life. He was happy to know Aurora enjoyed simple things and didn’t mind staying in one spot because he already had a location in mind where he wanted to live when he got married.

“Pathetic.” Leona scoffed, she felt disgust at Renee, she knew the woman before she had left and wasn’t surprised she was out and about with another man, the woman talked like she was never happy with her life, and splitted her family up for selfish reasons.

“Don’t speak to them first, let them notice us.” Richard spoke with a blank face, trying to suck in all his distaste at this idea and walked his family into the diner, making sure to get a table that was right next to the father daughter duo.

“Easy for you to say.” Leo wanted to scoff at his father, if he was talking about anyone else, he’ll be able to do it with ease, but it was Aurora he was talking about, the second they walked through the doors he was staring directly into her face, over her father’s head like some weirdo.

“Leo,” Leona nudged her son, smiling sheepishly when Charlie’s confused eyes locked upon theirs.

“Mister and Mrs Richwood?” He looked confused, more confused than the few people who were eating and the people that were working there. The Richwood’s eating at a diner? No one would believe them if they ever said anything.

“Ah, Chief Swan.” Richard faked a smile, uncomfortable sitting in one of the chairs and flipping through the menu with fake interest, “nice to see you enjoying yourself with your daughter.”

“Yeah, dinner with my little girl.” He spoke with cation, why were they here and why were they talking to him.

“Hello Leo! Hello Leo’s parents!” Aurora waved, a grin on her face as she took in her new friend’s appearance. They were dressed a little too nicely to be in a diner but then again, Leo always dressed nicely.

“Nice to meet you Darling, are you Aurora?” Leona smiled, her cheeks hurting from the strain of smiling so hard as she forced herself to remain calm, she didn’t want to upset Charlie by touching his daughter since he already was a little suspicious on why they were at the diner.

“Hey Aurora.” Leo smiled, a dreamy look on his face, but a harsh nudge from his father had him sitting up straight with his usual dull look on his face.

“Did you come to try out the diner?” She smiled, “I’m sure you’ll love the food, it’s great!” She bounced in her seat, happy that Leo took up her offer to swing by the diner and try some of the food.

“Oh, better yet, do you want to sit with us?” She looked towards Charlie who was frowning, he didn’t want to sit with them, he wasn’t one for rumors but he didn’t want anyone to see them sitting together in fear of what everyone would think.

“I don’t think they would like that.” Charlie had muttered into Aurora’s ear, but she seemed determined.

“Why don’t you ask them then?” She crossed her arms, “I’ll ask, do you want to sit with us Leo, Mister and Mrs Richwood.” She shyly smiled, she didn’t mind, the booth was big enough to fit them all since the Richwood family was quite lean, but she glanced at her Papa who looked exasperated.

“Of course, we would.” Leona lightly shoved her husband, taking her menu and moving over to the booth they sat at, allowing for Aurora to move over and sit with her father while the three of them fit over on the other side of them.

“Thank you for inviting us.” Richard held back a groan, he could smell the killer grease from where they were sitting and had to stop himself from snapping out in anger, he hated this place, but his son was so stuck over this girl so he had to see what was so special about her.

“You're welcome!” Aurora grinned, offering a few of her french fries to the family of three while they waited for their food. Charlie just calmly ate, he knew for a fact this was going to get back to the station and he knew that everyone there was going to want to talk about it, but the thing was he didn’t know where to start.


❤️ Don't forget to archive 'The Bookcase' it has everything in there about the books I'm writing, and even tells you if it's going to be turned into a series of not

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❤️ Don't forget to archive 'The Bookcase' it has everything in there about the books I'm writing, and even tells you if it's going to be turned into a series of not.

❤️ I'll only be posting important stuff into, instead huge author notes in the book, like breaks on a series, or even discontinuing a series.

❤️I also hope your all enjoying the book.❤️

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