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She didn’t even notice him, Leo pouted, he sat on the far right of her and she didn’t even notice. He glowered, how rude she was, she was very pretty, but apparently didn’t know how to observe her surroundings, but that could work out in his favor, it would be easy to follow or even get close to her without even noticing. That could actually work.

He frowned, but she was surrounded by so many people, so many loud mouths, Jessica, Mike, Lauren, Ben, Angela, and Eric. He was honestly disappointed that Aurora was hanging out with the likes of them, he would expect the Cullens to invite the girl into their little clique because she looked so beautiful, but was kinda glad they left her alone, giving him more room to connect with her on a personal level. Anyway, he’ll figure it out soon.


“So,” Everyone’s head snapped towards the two Cullens that had the chance to share a class with Aurora, “anything we need to know about?” Alice and Emmett leaned forward, out of everyone in the family, they were the most curious ones about her.

“No?” Rosalie frowned, “was there supposed to be? All she did was sit next to Ben and talk with him all class period.” She shrugged, she ignored the way everyone’s shoulders dropped in disappointment at the news.

“She didn’t talk to any of you? Introduce herself, announce to the class something about her?” Alice whined, “nothing?” She pouted, then glanced over at Jasper who only shook his head. Aurora didn’t do any of those things.

“Overhear anything juicy?” Emmett chuckled, they couldn’t say no to that, it would be impossible for them to do so.

“Yeah, but nothing important.” Jasper frowned, “at least I don’t think it is.” Everyone still turned to look at him, curious was something they weren’t for a long time and it felt nice to feel this way again.

“Tell us, tell us!” Alice cheered, and two out of the group couldn’t help but roll their eyes, the pixie sure did have a thing for humans and no one could figure out why.

“Jacob Black is supposed to be picking her up from school.” Rose hissed, a disgusted snarl coming across her face as she took in the information.

“Well that's something we have to get over.” Edward signed, the new treaty they had to create was centered around Aurora, and Jacob’s closeness to her, they were treating the girl like she was some imprint to her but Jacob never confirmed it or denied it which made it difficult to find a loophole on them. It was a shame that whoever Aurora touched, their minds were shut off to the telepathic vampire.

“Kinda not fair but whatever.” Rose huffed, she understood why they did it, but Bella was gone, the problem was gone.

“It is what it is.” Jasper signed, he was just thankful they didn’t have to move.

“But anything else that would tell you more about her?” Alice begged, “I mean the most important things!” She bounced in her seat and she was sure all the students around them were just shocked to see the girl bouncing and moving around like that.

“Well, her birthday was in June which makes her seventeen now. Charlie’s gonna get her a puppy soon. She made a friend in Angela, and that Leo guy really made her uncomfortable.” Jasper listed off some of the things on his hand, though he was confused on who the person Leo was.

“Leo?” Alice frowned, “I’m not one to judge but he does seem a little shady, and he’s the grandson of the lady at the front desk, Mrs Shelly.” She thought for a second, “why was Leo bothering Aurora? He usually doesn’t like talking to the ‘lower class?’' She was worried, the boy had a reputation for being stuck up and just an absolute jerk to anyone with less money than him, so why was he bothering Aurora?

“He thinks she is gorgeous.” Edward frowned, “thinks she’s perfect compared to everyone around her.” That sounds weird, but he thought the same about Bella so it was kinda, sweet?”

“Disgusting,” Rosalie groaned along with Alice who nodded, that just kinda made him deflate a little that the girls didn’t think it was at least a little cute.

“Perfect? What is she? Some painting?” Alice scoffed, and both girls turned to look each other dead in the eyes, “ugh men.” They giggled.

“I only say you look perfect when you dress up!” Emmett whined, and Jasper chuckled along knowing the girls were just joking.

“But jokes aside, that's pretty out of character for him.” Rose signed, “I hope it doesn't end up like Edward’s relationship with Bella did.” She nudged him with a glare, “fighting over a girl who seemed to play you both at the beginning.” She’ll never forget that about Bella, but that was done and over with thankfully.

“We loved each other!” Edward scoffed, “and this isn’t about us!” He rolled his eyes.

“Yeah,” Alice smiled, “Edward and I have English with her!” She seemed happy but Edward could only stare in disinterest as Alice excitedly told everyone she’ll get some juicy information about her this time, because Jasper and Rosalie couldn’t be bothered to do it.

“Yeah, you two have fun with that.” She had PE, something she dreaded especially since she had it alone, but it was her last class of the day along with Jasper who had Art with Emmett.

“Trust me, we will.” Alice grinned, “don’t we always?” She teased, every school year was filled with some type of drama for them and Alice seemed to love it more than anybody could admit.

That seemed to be the end of it, everyone quieting down to get a chance to hear what the group a few tables over were talking about. Obviously it was missing two people, but the group didn’t seem bothered by that. In fact they all seemed to be talking a lot more admitly with each other about whatever came to mind, enjoying each other’s presence and that was something the Cullen's wished they could do, they wanted to talk freely with other people, but there were risks in doing that, and no one wanted to deal with the consequences.

“Don’t we always have fun?” Alice softly smiled, it held no true happiness in it as she thought of all the things she could possibly do if she was human like the teens around them, but it meant that at least they were making the most out of it.

“Yeah.” Rosalie signed, “every year.”



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