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Jacob, the name of the guy who came to pick up his girl. He didn’t know his full name, but there weren’t many Jacob’s around here to begin with and all it would take is a little asking around to know everything he needs to know. Though that wasn’t important at the moment, the most important thing he needed to know was if he was dating Aurora, she was a pretty girl and he was a hot guy but she didn’t look like she’ll be into those type of guys, she looked like she’ll be into nerds like Eric or even cute guys like Ben not bodybuilders like that guy.

“Maybe that's what she likes, she could be different?” He mumbled to himself,  a once empty notebook filled with three pages of written information about the girl of his dreams. He didn’t know what he should think of, she looked like she’ll fit the stereotypical housewife, which means she’ll probably want a rich man to marry so she wouldn’t have to worry about working but she proved herself to be quite smart in class, dense, but smart.

Confusion, confusion. He felt like smacking himself, he was rich, family came from old money on both sides of his family plus the addition of his dad’s high paying job, Money wasn’t a problem for them. But Aurora still seemed to avoid him. He didn’t understand, felt a little angry with himself though decided that Aurora was a little on the slow side. She might’ve had book smarts, but common sense was gone.

“I’m rich, and cute.” He liked to think of himself as attractive, nice and funny. He had made her smile so it wasn’t like she wasn’t completely uninterested, she just didn’t know any better.

“Yeah,” He smiled, she didn’t know any better, she didn’t know that he was rich, she didn’t know that he was interested in her, she just didn’t know. That made him want to laugh, he felt like rolling over and laughing like a manic when he finally realized why she was acting the way she was.

“She didn’t know any better!” He smiled, with his phone in hand he stared at the picture of Aurora with her back to him, she looked gorgeous, whether her face was in it or not. He had to tell his father, he would be happy to know that there was a girl out there that had caught his attention, it’ll be like him and his mother. Aurora would stay home and care for the kids while he brought in the money. Ooh, he couldn’t wait, but he needed pictures, he couldn’t just show his dad the picture of her back, he’ll think badly of her because she hadn’t shown her face…no he could do that, he’ll never allow him to marry a rude girl, so he’ll wait, hold off on showing him a picture until he gets a picture of her face.

“Kids.” He grinned, they’ll make some beautiful kids, in fact they could start right now if they wanted too, his mother had him at the age of sixteen, and ever since then took care of him like a good wife, so Aurora would be the same, though he wanted more than one child, he wanted maybe, nine or ten, they would have the time and of course money wouldn’t be a problem.

He nodded, yeah it sounded like a good idea and he couldn’t help but scribble away in his book, a grin on his face as he placed little doodles and side notes about his and Aurora’s future. Aurora Richwood sounded amazing to him.

“That boy.” Edward pointed out to Leo, “he likes Aurora.” He sounded nonchalant about it, but Alice’s head snapped over to where he pointed and a loud hiss left her mouth.

“Alice!” Rosalie nudged her, though lucky for them they were inside the car so no one was paying them any mind.

“That weirdo likes her!” She glared, she felt like ripping him to shreds for such thoughts, “he doesn’t deserve her!”

“Oh come on,” Edward groaned, “he’s not the only one that thinks Aurora’s the next top model.” He rolled his eyes, even though he thought Aurora was gorgeous, “all the boys here think she’s pretty.”

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