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It was quiet, the Richwoods were all sitting in the Head of the household’s home office, in silence. Leo looked horrible, eyebags from the loss of sleep, and pale skin from the stress and sickness he had been feeling for a while. Leona was also looking a little off from usual, no pale skin, but deep eyebags from the lack of sleep because of stress, but Richard, he looked fine. Handsome as ever, and even sipping on a glass of wine as he silently stared out the window at the beautiful view of the woods.

“So no one has anything to say?” He frowned, there was something he wanted to hear, but no one was saying anything at the moment, “nothing at all?” He scoffed, sometimes he really regretted this family and other times they were pretty useful.

“No?” Leona mumbled, she was playing with her fingers and didn’t know exactly why she was called to his office. She hoped it wasn’t because he found out what she was trying to do, she thought she was being sneaky with it because she managed to escape the security that usually followed her.

“Should I?” Leo groaned, he was already feeling sick from the lack of sleep and stress, and here he was stuck in his father’s office sitting in silence, he really hated the old man sometimes.

“I don’t know, should you?” The older man mocked a scowl making itself present on his face, “you know, you're already in deep trouble as is, right? I would watch your tone boy, I’m not in the mood for sassy, and Leona you better spill what you’ve been doing behind my back, behind your son’s back.” He smirked, watching Leo’s eyes move over to his mother as she looked everywhere but at them.

“I don’t know what you're talking about.” She muttered her words, it was hard to sound confident when you were already feeling down in the first place, but she hoped that her false confidence fooled them.

“You don’t?” He taunted her, a grin on his face as he dropped a file onto the table.

In that file were pictures of Leona with Charlie Swan, and Nicholai Pierce. There was some where she handed them something in a box and there were pictures of when she was whispering something into Nicholai’s ear. It looked a lot more suspicious than it really was.

“What were you doing with Aurora’s father?” Leo frowned, the man held a huge distaste for his existence at the moment, scowling and refusing to see Aurora when she was in the hospital.

“Talking,” she gave her son a quick glance, how could she possibly tell him the truth? She knew that he was having trouble with talking with Aurora about what happened, and here she was getting free access to the girl.

“About what, Leona.” Richard grinned, “be sure to be clear about it also.” He wasn’t one for drama but this was something he was eating up. Leo was always a momma’s boy, constantly taking his mother’s side even when he knew she was wrong and it tired him. Now, after this, he was positive the boy would switch sides and do exactly as he said, because now he’ll know exactly what type of person his mother was.

“A-About Aurora, of course.” She signed, she had hoped to explain this to her son without the presence of his father, but plans don’t usually go as planned, “I went to visit her and met Chief Swan along the way.” It was going to be a long story and she hoped, just a little, that her son had somewhat of a heart to understand.


“Mrs Richwood.” Charlie frowned, he looked exhausted and the last thing he needed was the annoyance of someone from the family that caused his stress to show up and bother him, “why are you here.” He made sure to stand in the doorway of Aurora’s hospital room, she was asleep and he would hate to wake her up over trivial matters.

“I-I,” She sputtered, calming herself down, because this could end up going two ways, good, or bad, “I wanted to apologize for what my son did.” She wasn’t an idiot, she knew her son didn’t do it, and but she knew he loved Aurora too much just to lose her now over a framed incident.

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